The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Researching VIral Marketing and pumping two new songs into Logic.

anyone here study marketing?

@DT: by what you have said today and in the past, I can in NO WAY properly sympathize with you, but I do know how horrible and destrucitve depression can be to a person. you'll get through it somehow.

I find that remembering a time where you had just concurred something massive ,i.e. getting over a depression, or succeeding at something difficult. Remember the feeling that you had while trying to succeed, but often failing. Then remember the feeling you had once you got through it. Its always worse during, but in the end its much easier

Hope that my horrible english makes sense
I'm so fucking tired right now I could barely out-arithmetic a 2nd grader. I think I got less than 5 hours of sleep every day this week. I'm a little to blame for staying up late a lot, but I actually tried going to bed around 6:30 on Wednesday night and, true to my body being a fucking moron, I was up by 9 and wide awake for most of the night.

Fuck fucking sand glass lamp cactus pineapple nylon manchuria

Someone throw a rock at my head
Even outside of depression and such, I've always had trouble sleeping enough/at all. I've been up literally 3 days now. The one thing I tried that helped a little is ONLY go to your bed when it's time to sleep. Train your body to know that when you lay there it's time to crash. Also, diet has a lot to do with it.
Jesus that's insane. Between that and your depression problem I'd say you could definitely use some therapy.

But yeah I've done a little e-research on insomnia and I already stick to the "in bed = sleep" rule except in rare cases. I eat okay - not great, not terrible. I'm getting a decent amount of exercise right now thanks to martial art practice. I actually don't have much trouble getting to sleep these days, especially since I often stay up too late on work nights; but this problem with going to bed early, waking up after a couple hours, and being wide awake for the rest of the night has been going on for a long time now and it's complete fucking nonsense.

It's as if I've somehow trained my body to go to sleep no earlier than 11 PM or so, and if I happen to fall asleep way earlier than that my body just "rejects" the sleep. :lol:
Last night I laid around for two hours before finally sleeping. I had taken a nap as a result of leaving work due to feeling sick from 8-11, then went to bed at 3...didn't get to sleep til 5. Fucking nap must have screwed me.
Just downloaded a Metal Blade Records song pack for Guitar Hero 5; in it was:

Chimaira - On Broken Glass
The Devil Wears Prada - Dez Moines
Job For a Cowboy - March to Global Enslavement

Songs aren't very good, but they're fun to play.
Nothing. its a friday night and so far I have : gotten drunk, watched Port of call :new orleans and found this random thing

my dads song on beavis and Butthead a long time ago.crazzzzy
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You weren't aware? He used to mention it in every third post, although I think it's been a while since I've seen it mentioned.
Drinking orange soda and listening to HELEL. About to go driving around doing stupid shit with some friends.