The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Just watched Anvil!: The Story Of Anvil.
I thought it was pretty cool, and I actually teared up at the end. Seeing them walk out on stage to a huge crowd and seeing Lips smile was extremely moving. Also, a lot of the music sounded pretty fucking good. But now I feel really guilty because they're actually playing a venue near my house right now and I didn't go...
Trying to stem the flow of Randy's retardation with reason is like trying to damn the amazon with a beaver dam. The only solution is to cut it off at the source, i.e. PERMABAN. Why wasn't he permabanned already, and all his posts deleted, and mention of his name made punishable by death? Seriously.
Bought some Captain Morgan and trying to decide if I like it. Signs point to no so far.

I've never enjoyed rum. But I've been drinking absurd amounts of Canadian Mist, which is nasty, cheap whiskey. I'd honestly prefer some CM. However, price combined with the amount I've been drinking leaves little choice.
This.. And this cunt is stronger than my senses.

Fuck, finished her, and I'm drunk, well I had some Urquell before thi one and it's alright because I'm going to see Avatar in 3D because every cunt I know is like wow you just have to, it's the best movie ever and I'm liek ok, but I won't paqy for it and fuck, today I reallz have the opportunity to go for free, so what the hell, I'll get pissed nad throw up or something. Can't wait for the vodka right before the movie.