The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

got assigned to a new project today. i'll be working up in Tysons Corner :)erk:?) starting next monday. should be cooler than my last project.
Devasya Chāyā;9593178 said:
4) Only if I click "Go East."

I worded my last post pretty poorly... I meant does it give you the access violation if you start up a game and then hit "Go East"? Or only after killing Andy?
I worded my last post pretty poorly... I meant does it give you the access violation if you start up a game and then hit "Go East"? Or only after killing Andy?

It doesn't matter if it's right after I kill Andariel or if I start up the game again after I killed her. If I go up to Warriv, and click "Go East," the loading screen freezes, and when I minimize the program I see the error message.
It doesn't matter if it's right after I kill Andariel or if I start up the game again after I killed her. If I go up to Warriv, and click "Go East," the loading screen freezes, and when I minimize the program I see the error message.


What OS are you using? Maybe try right-clicking the program, going to properties, and try checking "Run in 256 Colors", if you're running some form of Windows?

I also found this:

Hope it helps bud.
Currently loving life; during the last hour-and-a-half of work, me and the pharmacist I work with ordered food. Then (as usual when we do that, it's like a goddamn curse), it got ridiculously busy so I didn't get to eat anything. So now I'm at home enjoying some metal and my buffalo chicken dinner I got at work.

That reminds me, I need to research airsoft guns. A couple of guys at work play, and I want to join in on the fun.

Anyone else play? Any recommendations? I don't want to spend much more then 100 bucks.
There's this stupid facebook holiday happening on Friday called "No H0M0 Day." I should make a "Don't Be a Fucking Bleeding Heart Faggot and Shut Up Day."
It's about not saying "you're a faggot," or "that's gay." It's far more annoying, ineffective, and pointless to do things like this to stop speech one finds offensive. It's easier to just ignore it.
A spanish dude I know told me I could easily get laid there because of the blond hair.

I might have to see about that sometime.
Isn't "no homo" something you say after saying something gay to prove your heterosexuality to the surrounding people?