The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Wondering whether I need to book accommodation for the Manowar gig. I don't know when it's going to end but I suspect it's a hell of a long time before the first train back. It's just I'll have a lecture the next day at 11AM so I kind of don't see the point in getting a room. I hope there are clubs that are open till 6 there.
I created the "guess the coverart" game thread again in the games subforum as it was closed here. Go there and play the game with me guys. It's f - u - n.
That's why cars suck. With all of the money we waste on cars in this country, we could have a giant interconnected subway system that stretches to every major city, and many many towns. Think of it: You wake up in the morning, and you're like, "fuck, I want to go to Miami." You get up, get your stuff, and spend hours and hours on a fucking train! They would have McDonald's and stuff on it for long distance traveling. You can bring some beers and talk to other dudes traveling there. When you leave, you don't have to plan a flight. You just fucking leave when you feel like it, and have no baggage claim to deal with.
That's why cars suck. With all of the money we waste on cars in this country, we could have a giant interconnected subway system that stretches to every major city, and many many towns. Think of it: You wake up in the morning, and you're like, "fuck, I want to go to Miami." You get up, get your stuff, and spend hours and hours on a fucking train! They would have McDonald's and stuff on it for long distance traveling. You can bring some beers and talk to other dudes traveling there. When you leave, you don't have to plan a flight. You just fucking leave when you feel like it, and have no baggage claim to deal with.

It would be far more wide-spread. Think of trains now as just very crappy representations of veins and arteries. These tracks to little towns would be like fucking capillaries. It would be like how I could have taken a train from the town I used to live in in New Jersey all the way up to Boston, and places in Long Island. It would fucking rule if the same could be done to LA. Just think: Taiwan's bullet trains but much faster.
I'm actually on a railroad modernization project at work right now. All the major railways are working on it because of this law. They're supposed to be installing control units on most/all of the intercity locomotives in the US, along with wireless transponders across the rail network, in order to improve train safety and allow for higher max speeds on longer track stretches. My company's putting together the messaging software for it.
I can't wait for the future. I want to go into a coma so I can wake up in a decade and jizz at all of the awesome trains and environmental-friendliness.
I really hope a real-life version of A Canticle For Leibowitz does not start in my lifetime.
what's wrong with Thermos?

I'm impatiently waiting for today to end so my weekend can start. I am going to be lazy and it is going to be great.