The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

She's got really pretty eyes, but I can't see her boobs or her bootay, so I can't judge.

Anyways, I did a lame workout today. 3 minute jog, 25 situps, 15 pushups, and 25 prison squats. Repeat 3 times. I feel like death.
Ended up getting together with the girl again today. When I first texted her she talked about not having a lot of time today so I wasn't sure if I was being too pushy with the next day idea, but eventually she showed up at my apartment and we went out for dinner and had a great conversation. I think that was my first date ever basically.
WORD! Sounds awesome Grant. You're pretty rad so I imagine you'll see second, third and fourth dates.

@Master_Yoda Do you run a lot? It took me like 4 weeks to be able to run for 3 minutes when I first started

Work is fucking cold today. Wearing winter jacket with no plans to take it off.
WORD! Sounds awesome Grant. You're pretty rad so I imagine you'll see second, third and fourth dates.

@Master_Yoda Do you run a lot? It took me like 4 weeks to be able to run for 3 minutes when I first started

Work is fucking cold today. Wearing winter jacket with no plans to take it off.

I used to be a faggot and I played football for about 9 years, so during those years I was a decent shape for my body type. I've always been a big person, and I can't tell you how long it's been since I've weighed under 200 lbs. But since senior year ended, I can't tell you how long it's been since I last worked out. I've just recently started to pick it up, but it's been tough. I'm so out of shape these days. I'm not looking to lose 50 lbs, but to get back down to a 200-210 lbs figure. So no, I don't work out often.
Great catch, Onder! Pretty damn cute!

my first date was "Finding Nemo" with 2 other couples. <3

My first date was Pizza Pizza, then seeing Year One at the movie theater when it was new; then my bud and his girlfriend (that my g/f hated at the time) coming sitting beside us 20 min into the movie, effectively crashing the date. I lol'd.

Fucking horrid movie. Michael Cera is the worst piece of shit that's ever disgraced a movie screen.
Cute girl Onder now that I can see images!

LOL Michael Cera. I'd do him just because he looks 12. And Master_Yoda working out sucks, don't do it

I am trying to think of something I can eat for dinner that will be delicious. My fridge and pantry contain kimchee, tofu, bran flakes, salmon, eggs, onions, cheese, and plain yogurt. =/
I actually am thinking about lifting weights tbh, so my arms don't look like fucking pencils. And I'm sick of being a guy that bigger guys here want to fuck with for no reason. :lol:
at first I didn't see the "with"

i got a bit squishy in germany seeing as i was eating like 3000 calories a day and drinking beer with no exercise. getting back in shape is pretty easy so far. back to running and/or kickboxing videos 6 days a week and arms/core stuff (100 pushups, 100 crunches, planks, "bird dogs," squats) 5-6 days a week.

i really miss eating cake all day and lying in bed with a bottle of absinth attached to my face though
Tbh I want to get drunk again really fucking bad, but I have no one to do it with, and getting drunk alone just really doesn't do it for me. It's not bad in and of itself, I just don't really enjoy doing it.

Not to mention, I've been pretty sick, pretty much house-ridden, since New Years (no I did not get drunk on New Years, sadly). Just had 0 energy since.