The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Daily crap? Fuck you Krig. I pooped for the first time in eight days today. That's what I get for smoking on vacation and then stopping again
hehe having a bit of a laugh at my use of the term clacka,a particularly amusing bit of Aussie slang:
Aussie slang for arse. Derived from the word cloaca which is a bird's vent, i.e. a bird only has one hole to shit, piss and root with. This amazing all-in-one hole is located on the underside of a bird's tail.

Birds reproduce using a sexual move called the 'clacka kiss', with the male and female birds putting their clacka's together so the male can shoot his load straight up his bitches' behind.
Goddam if Brett keeps on eating my chips I'm gonna kick him straight up the clacka!
No gayness,down here,only willingness to stomp upon sheep and cowards!
Haha...Clacka is the best word in the Australian vocabulary.I looked it up on fbook and got some english group called clacka and i told them that it was the most unfortunate name for a band ever.The dude asked me why and that his group is'nt a band(it sure looks like one),I explained why it is unfortunate.Still have'nt got a response.
I don't think I really need to explain but here's how

-I went on vacation and for 10 days ate nothing but bread, cheese, absinth and greasy drunk food (pizza, sausages, etc)
-During those 10 days I also started smoking cigarettes again, particularly high tar (12 mg) rollies
-When I came home from vacation I stopped smoking and had a stomach bug so I pretty much emptied myself out
-I resumed my normal diet and exercise regimen, during which I generally go 1-2 times a week (I'm just not a big pooper)
-Dietary change combined with smoking cessation (if you've ever quit smoking you'll know it makes you 'pated) and the dysentery --> no action for an alarmingly long time
Satanstoenail asked.

As for what I'm doing now, my friend brought me back a coffee drip maker and coffee from Vietnam. It's thick bordering on espresso consistency and you mix it with a shitload of sugary condensed milk. Drink of the gods. The Turks and Eye-talians can fuck right off
Just finished setting up my new turntable and amplifier. The turntable's a Pro-Ject Debut III and the amp is the latest Marantz model. Will post pics if anyone's interested.