The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Print out a GMD shop, like the Hogan With Lightning one and slap it on the back of your vest and/or jacket.
I don't like either of the two American girls I know. They're fake, weird, bossy and stuck up themselves.

I just realised.
I just realized that my weekends are pretty much like WAIF weekends.

It also just hit me that I wined and dined with Israeli elite last night :D
Laughed way harder than I should have at this, particularly lole-catte.


English MA student get together drinking tomorrow, friend's birthday drinking saturday...possible friend in town drinking sunday

a typical WAIF weekend :lol:

Not if you remember the whole thing.
Sounds pretty awesome.
My gf wanted to do a latin dance class, and somehow talked me into agreeing, but I managed to weasel out using band practice followed by going out as an excuse. So tomorrow after practice we're all going to a metal show and then drinking after. Next weekend may be crazy, as my drinking buddy from the summer will hopefully be coming up to see me and bringing some cheap American liquor.
I'm barred from going to the club my friends are going to tonight.

Anyway I just listened to Olivia Newton John sing Xanadu through choice so .....
I'm barred from going to the club my friends are going to tonight.

Anyway I just listened to Olivia Newton John sing Xanadu through choice so .....

Your people came to my country, fucked with us and then left your language behind. My ancestors get the final "fuck you". I pwn you at your own language.
I'm barred from going to the club my friends are going to tonight.
You always hint at there being a cool story but then never tell the stories, and when you do you then delete the post. I bet the stories are actually pretty lame and you're just trying to seem cool by not telling them. Well, I'm on to you. So stop not telling uncool stories. :p
zabu of nΩd;9618366 said:
how is weird a bad thing?

Well I used the term to summarise my distaste for some slight differences in behaviour that I presume were related to differences in culture. I didn't just mean an individual or something like that which could be regarded as positive.
You always hint at there being a cool story but then never tell the stories, and when you do you then delete the post. I bet the stories are actually pretty lame and you're just trying to seem cool by not telling them. Well, I'm on to you. So stop not telling uncool stories. :p

You know when people have a huge rant at you and then come back all apologetic a short while later?

That's what I'm doing when I come back and delete the posts. It's not a good or intelligent thing to do, but I don't really care.

A nice middle or upper class girl from England or Australia would be preferable.