The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

There isn't really much to report. We're basically in the same position now that we were before I left. The events of the morning I arrived went nothing like planned because she wasn't home, she was at work. Later that day we just met up and talked and tried to figure out what to do. She wasn't ready to get back together, I told her how I really felt, and that was that pretty much.

I went there with the intention of telling her that either we're together or not, I can't pretend anymore like being your friend is ok with me. And in reality it's not, but I love her too much to shun her out of my life considering she's still more than interested in keeping in contact. I thought I was going to be stronger than that when I saw her but I wilted like a bitch and succumbed to her "friends" idea. But I made it painfully clear I wasn't happy with that, at all, and that if she ever decided she wanted to move on completely she better tell me because if I find out from another source there would be hell to pay.

In the end, I still have no desire to want to date anyone else, and neither does she. I'm too busy doing shit and don't have the patience to deal with another bitch's problems or craziness. I know what, or I guess who, I want so I'm pretty much just in limbo for right now, which is ok with me. In the mean time I'll just be working and saving a ton of money to start up my own shop.

edit: On a side note, her family loves me even more than before, especially her dad. They're all on "Team Rick" and they make it known to Ashley by mentioning nice things about me all the time and bringing me up in conversation. It's not like they're trying to convince her to get back to me, I think it's just because they realize that I'm a good guy; loyal, caring, ambitious, not a loser mooch, etc. They also feel sympathetic, which is nice to know I suppose. Her dad on the other hand fucking loves my ass. While I was there, all I pretty much did was hang out with Ashley and her family at their house and dicked around, which was fun. Her dad pulled me off to the side one day and thanked me for coming out and explained to me that he had a similar experience with Ashley's mom way back in the day, so he totally felt for me and all that shit. It's just a good feeling to know that even though I'm not with Ashley at the moment her family adores me, to include her batshit crazy Taiwanese grandmother, who I think is hilarious. I'm basically the only person aside from Ashley and her dad who can put up with her, which earned me big kudos as well.

It was odd for about the first five seconds when we met up, but after that it was like normal, like we had never been apart or broken up or anything. I even told her that as well. When we would hang out it didn't "feel" any different, meaning, I didn't feel like her ex or just a friend, it felt like normal, like I used to. It almost feels natural if that makes sense. She admitted she felt the same way. It wasn't even weird going to her parents place either, they didn't act any different either.

Anyway, thanks for the well wishes Andy. Just going to take it day by day.
got my hair cut D;

I‘m drinking coffee and educating myself. Also, listening to the heaviest stoner/sludge possible.
Going to my friend's bridal shower. I hope it isn't too ass-numbingly boring but I suspect it will be since she is registered at Bed Bath and Beyond.

@Rick - major hugs dude. You know where to find me if you need an ear.
Well I traded the camera I bought from chase for and iPad2 and $100. I just couldn't find the time to learn that thing and had to move on. Anyway, I'm really glad I did because this iPad is badass. It's super fast and I'm getting really good with the keyboard, holy cow. And to think, I was considering buying a new laptop, ha!