The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

I burn calories by drinking tons of beer and then puking everywhere.

But seriously, on the race occasion that I do work out, I'm fond of station training. You know, have a station on jogging in place, then a station doing pushups, then a station doing prisons squats, then a station doing sit ups, and then have a cooldown/resting station or something.
you guys like the new sig pic with the female superheros??

Don't really care either way about comics, but it's better than what you had before.

I'm so pumped for football!
How can I burn calories this winter?

Word! There's actual football tomorrow! Running or cycling is probably the easiest way to burn calories. Swimming is my favorite exercise and is good if you want to simultaneously burn fat and build muscle.
Really struggling to adjust to my new schedule. I have to be up at 5:30 M-TH (except tomorrow mercifully, cuz the kids are taking a standardized test in the morning). Going to bed at 11 or 12 still feels "really early" to me, but getting 5 hours of sleep per day is just killing me. I really gotta figure out a way to fall asleep earlier.

But I'm pretty sure this is the teacher I want to intern with for the year. She trained her dogs and brings them to class (apparently they help many kids relax and read better) and also runs an after school program that teaches kids how to care for animals. Big deal in Compton where animal abuse is a major issue.

Also, during the poetry section of the year, the kids are actually gonna analyze the lyrics to Slayer's Angel of Death.
Well if you don't go to the gym, are low on cash and can't go outside you're pretty limited. Either the prison workout Yoda mentioned or get a yoga met and learn some sun salutations. Those will kick your ass.
Crimson: I can't remember if it was you who said it, but was that the teacher you said was the metalhead? I was interviewing with the woman at the film studio today, and I told her my plans for shooting videos for heavy metal bands, she asked, "What are your favorite bands?" And of course I say, "Well I love Wintersun, Sepultura, Insomnium... Metallica, Slayer... you know any of those?" Of course she knew the last two, but she was impressed nonetheless. Though I'm starting to have second thoughts about the school now... just doesn't seem worth it...

Krigloch: If I were you I'd say go and get a gym membership. Planet Fitness is only $10 a month (my dad and sister belong, and I plan to get a membership) and I checked google, there are some in your area. Or you could get one of those intense P90X workout video type things. Know a guy who had some pretty good luck with one of those, consider it.

And I LOVE winter. Though I'm looking forward to having slightly less snow in Mass than I did when I lived in Vermont. At least they do a good job plowing the damn roads.
Crimson: I can't remember if it was you who said it, but was that the teacher you said was the metalhead?

Yeah that's the one.

I was interviewing with the woman at the film studio today, and I told her my plans for shooting videos for heavy metal bands, she asked, "What are your favorite bands?" And of course I say, "Well I love Wintersun, Sepultura, Insomnium... Metallica, Slayer... you know any of those?" Of course she knew the last two, but she was impressed nonetheless. Though I'm starting to have second thoughts about the school now... just doesn't seem worth it...

How much is tuition?
It was $26,400 for a one-year program that gives a certificate, not even a degree. But I'm so close to my BA that I think I'm gonna work, save up, and see if I can take non-degree classes at my university this spring, and maybe move back up there. Sucks that I'll have to be away from my girlfriend, but she told me tonight she supports me 100%.
I don't mind that winter is coming that much, right now at least, because summer has been loveless and my ubermensch computer heats up my room considerably.
Warren Buffet, Charles Koch, David Koch, Michael Bloomberg, Jeff Bezos, Sergey Brin, Larry Page, George Soros, and Eli Broad, some of the wealthiest men in America, all went to and graduated from college. People like Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates and Steve Jobs went to college and dropped out

when i said "people you can name off the top of your head"
i meant people like Tony Hawk, Adam Corrola, and all those celebs who were already rich-as-hell before reaching their 18th birthday (Tony Hawk didn't finish highschool because he got paid to perform a show that happened durring the day he was supposed to be taking his highschool final exams)
Ultimately, for better or for worse, what determines who is financially successful is networking

when you look at the fortune 500 companies that are older than the current CEO
those CEOs are almost always the sons/nephews of the guy that started the company

both of Katy Perry's parents and Ke$ha's mom were all best friends with record producers