The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Went to my friends' monthly rap battle, and found out they have a female event. Why nobody fucking told me this is beyond me, because I free style for fun here and there and post my words on facebook all the time. But talked to my boy running the event and gonna get set up with some bitch within the next few months.

According to him, she's either gonna be a ghetto white girl or a ghetto black girl. So I'm assuming she'll be talking out of her ass about hoods, guns, and money. Meanwhile I'm bringing a few of the bones I collect on stage, dropping nerd references her boyfriend will laugh at but she doesn't get, worshipping satan etc etc. Pretty goddamn excited. I've never been on stage. And considering I dress and carry myself kinda... metal as fuck... she's really gonna be thrown for a loop when she's expecting another wanksta white girl.

There's gonna be videographers, so I'll probably post it in my rap thread when that happens.
yeah pretty much watch some movies, walk around a bit. What about you?

you have anything i can read?

Sounds nice and relaxed saturday behaviour :) as for me, theres some bits i wana do around the house, might go out for a bite to eat later :D
i write mainly fiction, just started on my fantasy book and i wrote a vampire book just for laughs lol first book is kinda a thriller set in London :)
he murdered Nicole Brown Simpson

hahaha. I made those natural juices with spinach, kale, and fruits but over did it and was throwing a whole ton of shit that doesn't go together in it. Made my belly hurt. & it looked like mud.

Came back from the movies an hour ago... Saw Wolf of Wall St, which was awesome. Only thing is I literally was 7th wheeled. There were 6 other people there and they were all couples and cuddling and of course I sat in between the two most excessively romantic couples for three hours. It was lonely times.
Yesterday I was being social but it really didn't make me happy or whatever it's supposed to do. Not even alcohol helped. Wrong company probably. I want to stay home. If one person today makes a comment about my hair or appearance I will kill that person. If someone touches me they get killed too.

EDIT: I hate that social bullshit.
That is awesome, keep going! i do have a book plot in my head that i want to write, but i fear that my English is not comprehensive enough.

You should go for it! Put your idea down on paper before it disappears, and it doesn't matter if you fear your English isn't comprehensive enough, that's what all the spell checks on a computer are for, and writing is so much fun, seeing your plot and characters evolve, they become like family only they exist in your head lol it was the same for me, I had a plot in my head for months with my first book then one day I just grabbed a writing pad and pen and began, I finally copied it to PC a year after I started it, it took me two years to be happy with it, been sending it off to publishers for the last 6 months. No bites yet, but these things take time. Got my fingers crossed lol :D
Yesterday I was being social but it really didn't make me happy or whatever it's supposed to do. Not even alcohol helped. Wrong company probably. I want to stay home. If one person today makes a comment about my hair or appearance I will kill that person. If someone touches me they get killed too.

EDIT: I hate that social bullshit.

Fuck going out! You can find the socialization you'll ever need on this forum!
Went to my friends' monthly rap battle, and found out they have a female event. Why nobody fucking told me this is beyond me, because I free style for fun here and there and post my words on facebook all the time. But talked to my boy running the event and gonna get set up with some bitch within the next few months.

According to him, she's either gonna be a ghetto white girl or a ghetto black girl. So I'm assuming she'll be talking out of her ass about hoods, guns, and money. Meanwhile I'm bringing a few of the bones I collect on stage, dropping nerd references her boyfriend will laugh at but she doesn't get, worshipping satan etc etc. Pretty goddamn excited. I've never been on stage. And considering I dress and carry myself kinda... metal as fuck... she's really gonna be thrown for a loop when she's expecting another wanksta white girl.

There's gonna be videographers, so I'll probably post it in my rap thread when that happens.

This should be posted in the You Cringe, You Lose thread.
Seriously... your problem with my post does not compute. You wanna quit beating around the bush like a passive aggressive soccer mom?
Fuck going out! You can find the socialization you'll ever need on this forum!

Word. I'm actually suppose to go out tonight but I really just feel like staying home, drinking, and listening to music. & plus, I live really far from all the exciting things. Forums are just way easier and you don't have to leave your house. :lol:

Anyways, i hope you get the teaching gig!
I've totally neglected myself the entire day. Haven't eaten or moved much. I think I'm going to go out tonight, just to not feel like i did absolutely nothing and to eat.

Tomorrow i'm going to eat my weight in chicken wings though. Bought a group on to Atomic wings… 50 chicken wings and 4 sides.
I've totally neglected myself the entire day. Haven't eaten or moved much. I think I'm going to go out tonight, just to not feel like i did absolutely nothing and to eat.

Tomorrow i'm going to eat my weight in chicken wings though. Bought a group on to Atomic wings… 50 chicken wings and 4 sides.

Sounds like the perfect behaviour for the weekend, especially eating your weight in chicken wings with sides :) Sounds like heaven to me ! And there's so totally nothing wrong with taking a day to be completely lazy, we all need that kinda break sometimes.
So since I lasted posted here, I started school again... and I love it (I'm an English major with a minor in applied design.) Getting ready to finish up my degree. Also had to quit the job that was making me miserable... was certainly for the better.

And tonight, I saw Amon Amarth, Enslaved, and Skeletonwitch in concert with one of my best friends who I'm getting reacquainted with after a year. Now he's fast asleep on my couch and I'm watching Toonami on Adult Swim. A good night, for sure...