The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

it's a common thing replace the nicotine with sweets, but on the long run sweets will probably do equal warm to my body as the nicotine. I did bought sugarless gum, hope that will help.

That's very nice of your, doing small jobs and keep some money in the pocket, i admire a entrepreneur spirit. My day was slow, just work and trying to learn some Spanish.

Think gum is suggested because it gives your mouth something to do and takes your mind off the cravings. 'Feel like a smoke, have a piece of gum instead', I guess it's just finding something else to replace the habit. I very much wish you the best of luck, I tried to quit before but my will power for giving up was severely low lol

That's cool you're learning Spanish :D I admire your dedication to learn languages! I can barely speak English some days, but that's cause I'm a little simple at times lol :tickled:
Oh nice! Did it help to whiten your teeth? Do you do it everyday? I'm going to do in the mornings. Was super surprised how it left my teeth really clean and it tasted awesome since coconut oil is literally god. Yeah I don't play with flossing anymore.

I used to do it everyday, but it started draining my coconut oil supply. Now its like every other day or so. And yeah it totally whitens your teeth.

The chore is getting used to do it for like 20 minutes. Youre a girl so you can do it while you do your makeup or hair n shit.

I rarely shower and never do my hair so it got a bit tedious for me.
oh yeah that stuff is expensive. maybe you know this but sells the big tub of coconut oil (54 fl oz) for $20 bucks. Here in stores the regular 16 fl oz is a like $13

haha, yeah i could totally manage that extra 20 minutes in the bathroom. though i'd probably be hated by my sisters a little more. :lol:
Drinkin' some tea. I have to look after my sister this evening. Think some NHL might interest her, or should I put on some Kult Ofenzivy to teach her some basics of black methulz?
How old is your sister? The latter should do.

Is it me or are the employees at trader joes ridiculously friendly and super talkative? In a good way, but man that was the longest conversation I've had with a supermarket clerk (is that what you call them? o_O).
What am I doing? Just sitting here, smoking a cigarette before work.... just being really sad I don't have a dog. You know. The usual.
Disagreed completely, can't take a cat with you to the park or roll around in the snow with it. Plus I think it's kinda weird how they rub on me all the time.
What am I doing? Just sitting here, smoking a cigarette before work.... just being really sad I don't have a dog. You know. The usual.

BOOO I WANT A DAAAAAAAAWG!!!!§§§§ You're like a 6 year old tbh.

EDIT: Rap about it in a battle or something.
Cats over dogs everytime. The love they give u means more than a dogs, dogs only love u coz your their alpha and theyre pack animals, but with a cats, they show u affection coz they want to, plus with a cat u dont have to worry bout goin to work for the day and comin home to find your sofa ripped apart as an act of misbehavour coz they pine when left on their own.
playin with cats it also cooler. Cat + laser pen = the funniest thing youll ever witness :)
Just bought a pound of licorice rockies online because I can't seem to find them anywhere around here. I'm pretty sure I'm the only person in West Virginia that likes licorice under the age of 50... (And no, I'm not talking about that anise flavored shit like twizzlers and jelly beans)