The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Been bed ridden the past 48 hours. I am not one for vaccinations, but holy fuck, I wish I wouldve gotten a flu shot...This one is fucking gnarly.

Same here, i woke up yesterday coughing my lungs out and shivering. Doing a little better today ... trying to sweat that shit out. I rarely ever get sick, but when i do i end up getting all fucked up like this.

I've never had a flu shot before, or any vaccinations outside of a tetna shot a few years back. Sometimes i go years without getting any type of flu/sickness.
haha i like to keep rearranging my stuff too, i'm glad you had a good day. Been dealing with headache since yesterday, from nicotine withdraw i guess. But slowly getting better ^^

Aww sweetie, headaches suck :( yeah it could be a result of nicotine withdrawels, part of the cravings maybe? I hope u feel better soon honey! sometimes standing under a hot shower helps with headaches, relaxes the muscles and heats up the blood :)
Just bought some new supplements; some higher quality whey isolate, glucose, and creatine. Coupled with some lean meats, cheeses and carbs for dinner I'm feeling fantastic after a hard workout.
thank you ^^ feeling much better, went out for a running, listening to some music.

Im glad youre feeling better :D running is good for heating up the blood too, and listening to music you enjoy cures all sorts of ailments :D ive got into the habit of listening to music before i fall asleep, find it relaxes me, only downside is i tend to wake up a few hours later with my headphones wrapped around my head in a strange way lol
I was the same before my thyroid decided to go apeshit, now if i get over a certain weight i just pile on the pounds and find it a struggle to lose weight but if i go under a certain weight the pounds just fall off me and i struggle to put weight on. Its such a load of hassle getting the balance :( im constantly bouncing between a diet and binge eating!
eat some yogurt

Wrong type of flu, but good lookin out brosef.

Same here, i woke up yesterday coughing my lungs out and shivering. Doing a little better today ... trying to sweat that shit out. I rarely ever get sick, but when i do i end up getting all fucked up like this.

I've never had a flu shot before, or any vaccinations outside of a tetna shot a few years back. Sometimes i go years without getting any type of flu/sickness.

Dude, coconut water and gatorade saved my life. Load up on hydrating fluids, because if its anything like I had/have, I had no desire to eat solid foods and was dehydrated as fuck. That shit brought me back to life.
Drinking some beer. Yesterday I had some weed and it was awesome. It felt like the thing I was looking for for like months. Just few beers and some weedy weed.
Dude, coconut water and gatorade saved my life. Load up on hydrating fluids, because if its anything like I had/have, I had no desire to eat solid foods and was dehydrated as fuck. That shit brought me back to life.

I feel you bro, i havent eaten a full meal in over two days and still have no appetite. I think i have some gatorade in the fridge, so ill give that a shot. I also have a bottle of prometh+codeine that im thinking about popping :loco:... got no sleep whatsoever last night so im thinking it might help with that.
I am lucky to say I haven't been sick once yet this winter. Actually I generally don't get sick... being a janitor constantly bombarded with germs has its advantages to the immune system.
very little to do here. ^^ i like rain and cold weather, but if it is too constant it might get annoying, maybe you should go bingo to make the day exciting :p

Aww yeah same here, there's not much to do here either, not many clubs and places that play metal and rock in Leeds and I'm not really one for standing in a crowded bar lol I was considering going to bingo, but I'm going tomorrow as i have a half price voucher, so I thought bingo two nights in a row maybe a bit much lol love it though, bingo's fun :)
I like the rain and cold weather too, but it's been nearly constant for nearly a month, think we've had one day where the suns been out. It's crazy :/
I thought i was going to get out of work early today until my boss threw a fucking stack of paper work on my desk an hour before I had to leave. Ended up staying late, so was pretty fucking mad about that. However, made some awesome pie from scratch with my girlfriend. So I'm happy now.