The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Facebook's useful, but I'd like to be free of it. It creates a social difference in cases where people do live close by, causing your friendship to be measured by your interactions on facebook instead of the fun time you could be having in person.

In short, I think I have a lot of fake friends. Half of them were dudes who basically stopped talking to me when I got a bf, and I don't know enough cool chicks. Facebook makes it even harder to determine who is a 'real' friend.

It actually makes me really sad and pathetic. I even posted an ad on craigslist once seeking platonic female companions.... no replies...
Facebook's useful, but I'd like to be free of it. It creates a social difference in cases where people do live close by, causing your friendship to be measured by your interactions on facebook instead of the fun time you could be having in person.

In short, I think I have a lot of fake friends. Half of them were dudes who basically stopped talking to me when I got a bf, and I don't know enough cool chicks. Facebook makes it even harder to determine who is a 'real' friend.

It actually makes me really sad and pathetic. I even posted an ad on craigslist once seeking platonic female companions.... no replies...

It is useful for a few things, so I still have it. However, if two of the most important people in my life were as accessible by phone as most people are, I would have stayed deactivated (For instance, my brother lives in Paris right now...). It's basically a glorified chat website for like 2-3 people for me.

As for fake friends, that's why they allow you to remove friends, don't ya know? I have roughly 10% of the amount of facebook friends I had about 2-3 years ago.
my daily internet activity consists on couple UM forums, a couple of online news, and a couple Youtube channels.

Yep, im mainly checking up bands on youtube and stuff or checkin my emails :) and postin on here too, but thats usually done when im in bed before i go to sleep.

how u been sweetie? Hows the withdrawels, any more headaches? :(
It is useful for a few things, so I still have it. However, if two of the most important people in my life were as accessible by phone as most people are, I would have stayed deactivated (For instance, my brother lives in Paris right now...). It's basically a glorified chat website for like 2-3 people for me.

As for fake friends, that's why they allow you to remove friends, don't ya know? I have roughly 10% of the amount of facebook friends I had about 2-3 years ago.

Meh. I'd still have the same issues of wondering which of those friends I should remove because I am an angry misunderstood teenager inside.

Better I delete it. Which I have, successfully, by first creating a new email with a password of 30 random characters (basically banged on the keyboard), then changed my email on facebook to the new one, and changed my facebook password to that random one copy pasted from a memo pad and deleted the memo.

There is no way in hell I can ever recover that email account, or my facebook. Mission accomplished. Suck it, addiction. :kickass:
For somebody who becomes a total winter hermit like me... being somebody means making a new character. The most productive thing I've done in months that doesn't involve fantasy land or a microphone is knit a hat.

I miss disc golf. I go almost every day when the weather is more palatable... still just barely better than I was 8 years ago haha. Apparently kind of a Michigan sport I've been told? Anyone else chuck plastic?
Mathiäs;10793618 said:
It's probably about the time spent. I'm on Facebook a lot, mainly to directly communicate with people. It's a great tool really. And Jeremy I never see your posts, I must've added you to my shitlist by accident.

I love Facebook. I don't use it as often anymore though, lack of internet sucks. I'm just thankful I grew out of the few shitty habits I had on there (like joining "Add me" groups and accepting random folks... or the whole E-dating thing).
Early Blues game starts in 10 minutes
Would be nice to get another win before the Olympic break.

Today will be spent packing and metal listening
We close on the 14th. So we have to get all her shit packed up.
That's a shame. You're probably a real pillow princess.

Not quite lol unless you think that being put in a pair of ankle and wrist restraints, strung up by bound wrists from a hook and rope hanging from the ceiling, gagged, blindfolded and spanked with a leather paddle makes me a pillow princess? ;)

Being dominated is my thing, anal sex is not lol
Not quite lol unless you think that being put in a pair of ankle and wrist restraints, strung up by bound wrists from a hook and rope hanging from the ceiling, gagged, blindfolded and spanked with a leather paddle makes me a pillow princess? ;)

Being dominated is my thing, anal sex is not lol

Ya know, I gotta say... some of the things you post make me think you're not a real person. I'm all about being open, no shame here. But you're flirtatious about it.
hello lovey, headaches are gone, but i'm craving really bad. But i have a strong will. Things will be alright. Have a great weekend.

Hey honey, glad to hear you haven't had any more headaches, but sorry to hear the cravings are bad :( hope it gets better for you soon!
It's good that you've got strong will power, means you're less than likely to give in and have a cigarette.
Don't let it beat you sweetie! I have total faith in you!
Have a good weekend too :D