The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Ya know, I gotta say... some of the things you post make me think you're not a real person. I'm all about being open, no shame here. But you're flirtatious about it.

I can assure you I'm real :) now you've said it I can see how it looks a bit flirty, but I'm just being honest. Bondage gets me off and yeah, I'm not ashamed bout it, but just to set the record straight, I'm not into the extreme kind of BDSM, some of it's freaky gross, hence why I'd never have anal :/ not my thing at all, but if a man wants to tie me up, then I'm okay with that lol
Am I the only dude that doesnt like any of the crazier shit in bed? I mean Ive always dreamt of being tied up but thats about it.
I have a few friends who are dominatrixes (or have been in the past) and the stuff they told me is crazy. Like one girl, people paid her to take a shit on them. GROSS. And there was this other thing I think called "sizing" where they shove needles of all sorts of different gauges into guys pee holes. I don't get it, but whatever it's not me.

I'm avoiding people in hopes of not going out tonight. I have to save some money.
Exactly the sort of extremes I was talking about. I mean there's some cool bondage gear out there, but some of its a bit excessive, like deprivation masks and sleeping suits (like a sleeping bag, but it's got chains n stuff) and the head cages with spiked tongue depressors and Humbler's look like they could do serious damage to a mans penis if left on for ages, but things like crucifix ties and ceiling hooks are cool lol
Worrying about my girlfriend's dad, he passed out on Wednesday and they haven't figured out what caused it, and then 2 days later he suffers a mini heart attack and then a massive one the next day...

I feel fucking helpless being in New-Brunswick while she's in Ottawa. FUCK!
I have a few friends who are dominatrixes (or have been in the past) and the stuff they told me is crazy. Like one girl, people paid her to take a shit on them. GROSS. And there was this other thing I think called "sizing" where they shove needles of all sorts of different gauges into guys pee holes. I don't get it, but whatever it's not me.

I'm avoiding people in hopes of not going out tonight. I have to save some money.

One of these days, I'm gonna buy you and your guy a beer, bring my gal, and we're just gonna give you the floor and let you tell second hand accounts of crazy sex stories, because you are a gold mine for that shit.
Am I the only dude that doesnt like any of the crazier shit in bed? I mean Ive always dreamt of being tied up but thats about it.

Nah, most normal men aren't into the crazier bedroom play, you're not the only one :) it's actually pretty hard finding a man that is.

And yeah FD it's called "sizing" and that, is just weird. There's pain then there's PAIN :/
Contemplating if I should smoke all the rest of my pot tonight because I'm feeling kinda blah. Have been for the past week or two. I could use a seriously hearty laugh.
One of these days, I'm gonna buy you and your guy a beer, bring my gal, and we're just gonna give you the floor and let you tell second hand accounts of crazy sex stories, because you are a gold mine for that shit.

Ha! Sounds like an awesome time. For sure man, but I must get my facts right. The metal rod thing is actually called sounding not sizing :lol: but c'est la même chose. At least the general gist would be there. Definitely let me know if your band tours in the NYC area

Carpe: smoke! But seriously hope you feel better. Maybe watch some Louis C.K. or Patton Oswald they're funny guys.
Those guys all aren't bad. Think it's gonna be Steven Wright, Mitch Hedberg, and George Carlin though.

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I watched some older Hedberg stuff last night for the first time, you'd totally think the dude pulled a publicity stunt by feigning being high all the time later on if it weren't for him OD'ing.
I bought Madden 13 the other day off Amazon for 9 bucks, and it should be here today. Haven't owned a Madden since around 2008.

And Madden 13 for $9 >> Madden 25 for $40