The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Just finished a very complicated process for deleting my facebook that involved note pad, an inaccessible email account, and downloading all my data.
Just finished a very complicated process for deleting my facebook that involved note pad, an inaccessible email account, and downloading all my data.

Whenever someone deletes their Facebook account or sets it to an inactive state, I assume it's due to poor decisions on their part (e.g. their boss found a picture of them drinking through a beer bong or they chose to keep company with shady/trashy folks).
Whenever someone deletes their Facebook account or sets it to an inactive state, I assume it's due to poor decisions on their part (e.g. their boss found a picture of them drinking through a beer bong or they chose to keep company with shady/trashy folks).

Surprisingly enough, the only reason is that I spend too much time on there and get too involved with trying to make my statuses entertaining. I've totally been sucked in, been posting at least a few times a week for like five years. Time to cut the cord.

I have a disease. I'm very sick. And the closest bleeding statue is like five states away.
Surprisingly enough, the only reason is that I spend too much time on there and get too involved with trying to make my statuses entertaining. I've totally been sucked in, been posting at least a few times a week for like five years. Time to cut the cord.

I have a disease. I'm very sick. And the closest bleeding statue is like five states away.

That's funny. I post on average five things (statuses, links or pictures) per day. And you think you're diseased.
It's probably about the time spent. I'm on Facebook a lot, mainly to directly communicate with people. It's a great tool really. And Jeremy I never see your posts, I must've added you to my shitlist by accident.
I even used the Facebook video chat today. Talked with Grant for a bit. We talked about killing people with darts and other things.
That's funny. I post on average five things (statuses, links or pictures) per day. And you think you're diseased.

Well one person's disease is another person's norm I guess haha. I'm just not happy with how addicted I am to it, and cutting down hasn't worked in the past. Better to delete it completely.

Oh... I did fail to mention that I'm a little batshit and get really stressed out trying to determine who my actual 'friends' are, versus just facebook friends.
I'm pretty happy with spending a sum total of a couple hours a day checking my facebook, but I have enough interesting friends that my feed is pretty much a constant stream of awesome and hilarious.

My bus commute's also 2 hours in each direction so that's something to be accounted for.
My justification is that I have many real friends who are spread out across large distances, especially since many of them I met through this forum/MDF and the fact that I moved from Boston to Maine to Iowa in the past seven years. It's one of the chief ways we stay involved in each others' lives during the times we aren't in person.

I also use it to get a lot of my news, and my friends tend to post interesting articles and start fruitful discussions. There's plenty of dross to wade through, of course, but sometimes that's all I want when my brain's worn out from a long day.
Never been on Facebook and proud of it :) although I will if my book ever gets published, drum up publicity for it but that's the only time I would. I can see how it helps if like Zephyrus, you have friends that live far away :)