The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

I used to drink maybe 2 to 3 cups a day. That is until I found out about Yerba Mate. Cut back my coffee consumption almost completely. I still like Coffee, but now its like once a week, if that.
I think you're thinking of beer and ABV. Espresso is the darkest of the dark and has so much caffeine that it's served in smaller cups.

Nah, espresso roast is like espresso flavored coffee, different from actual espresso methinks. Pound for pound in general light coffee has got more caffeine than dark. I've looked it up a few times before.
First time I ordered a 'double espresso', long long time ago, I paid six bucks and was handed a shot glass of sludge.

I'm still not sure what espresso means entirely, being more of an energy drink than a coffee person. Does it mean the leftovers after most of the liquid is gone?
First time I ordered a 'double expresso', long long time ago, I paid six bucks and was handed a shot glass of sludge.

I'm still not sure what expresso means entirely, being more of an energy drink than a coffee person. Does it mean the leftovers after most of the liquid is gone?

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Today I felt like I was locked inside my own head. Spent like 2 hours travelling across Prague and my mind felt like a world on its own while the rest was just the second world. Gonna have a beer in a while I think.
jesus some of you guys are caffeine fiends. I just started drinking coffee a few months ago, and even then it's just one cup a day. The rest of the time it's tea (kombucha or mate)
I don't drink coffee anymore, woot! Kicked my addiction 6 months ago. I do have white tea or green tea almost everyday though. :/ I have no idea what kombucha or mate is, will have to look that up.
I usually have 3 or 4 cups between 7 AM and 2 PM, though I often switch to tea after 1 PM. Can't sleep if I have caffeine too late in the day.