The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Kona Blend Java Monster. Business Law quiz, after a month of class learning without a textbook, let's see what you fuckin got. If I pass this quiz, I aint buying the book.
I look back on my business law class with fondness. I learned so much about regulatory bodies, torts and intellectual property. I think it might have been the most informative class I ever took at a community college.

I'm enjoying it a great deal so far, the professor is an ex-lawyer who I guess has taken on some pretty notorious state cases. Plus he talks and makes jokes like George Carlin. Excellent dude.

My only issue is how he writes his 'notes' on the board... I like shit tidy and organized, he's got words and arrows and lists all over the place which he adds to from the top and the bottom.
Salt is sneaky. Korea and Japan average like 5g of it a day as opposed to 2.4g FDA recommendation in the US and 1.5g recommendation for people watching their sodium intake.
Feel like fucking dick. I've got a wisdom tooth hurting me and I fell on the ice yesterday flat on my goddamn back. Not making this day at work much fun...

Dude I'm right there with you. My wisdom tooth is killing me. I think it's infected because my face is swollen on that side and I have a painful lymph node there too. Plus I woke up in a sweat. I tried holding off as long as I could, but I think I need to just get them removed. Ibuprofen works wonders. Take 600mg, it'll help.
Was just skating to my dealers house to get weed and fell while going probably 25~mph, I hit my shoulder twice as well as my head, waiting at my dad's shop until his friend lands here to check out if it's broken or not.
Holy fuck that was hilarious :lol:

On my way into the gas station to grab smokes, a well-dressed businessmen maybe in his early 40's asked for directions somewhere, which I happily provided. We came into the store at the same time and he proceeds to RANT about how he's "TWO DAYS CLEAN OFF CRACK COCAINE!", and marijuana was his gateway drug, and man it's rough to quit, etc etc. He was so fuckin hyper about it. I just got my smokes and said "Good for you buddy, keep it up" while trying not to laugh.
The funniest part was just how totally unexpected it was. When I gave him directions he seemed so normal.
The funniest part was just how totally unexpected it was. When I gave him directions he seemed so normal.

Lol the normal looking ones are typically the strangest lol sound like he's just really proud of his accomplishment and wanted to tell the world.

Once a woman at a bus stop asked me what time the bus was due, so I told her then she just randomly went on to say how if you eat too many prawn cocktail flavoured crisps you're sweat smells like wee. I just nodded and carried on waiting for the bus.