The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

I like coffee with cream and sugar. But some people will tell you, "Cream and sugar? That's for pussies! I take my coffee black, no sugar, because I wanna taste the coffee." While you're welcome to having that preference, the reasoning doesn't check out. You don't often hear people saying: "Milk chocolate? Dark chocolate? That's for pussies! I eat unsweetened dark chocolate because I wanna taste the chocolate."
Coffee comes in many forms, and I for one indulge in most of them. Black coffee hits the spot every once in a while though.

Krig- if you're drinking coffee for the taste and not the caffeine, best go with decaf ya pussy!
I quit caffeine completely a couple months ago and I feel great, I'm really happy that I made that decision. It feels great not having my nervous system fried out all of the time.
^ Same. I'm honestly kind of crazy after too much caffeine since I'm naturally high energy. It does it's job too well.

Just came back from an audition which went well and I could tell they were going to choose me from the feedback. However, the time they plan to shoot is during my work hours. :/ This fucking sucks, how do people work and explore their artistic careers at the same time? It seems impossible unless your career is having to do with the nightlife or some shit.
im doing pretty great actually :) how about yourself?

Ooooh glad that you're doing great! Always good to hear :D I take it life's treating you pretty good at the moment??

I'm good thanks, going down the country to see my family next weekend, haven't seen them since Xmas so I'm really looking forward to it, big hugs with my mum and dad. Yay! Can't wait! :D
I wanna do that with caffeine, sugar, and salt. But what's left?

Quitting salt altogether would actually be dangerous to your health. Sodium is a just a mineral, the general consensus nowadays is that you need roughly 500mgs of salt a day to survive. You run into problems with hypertension and shit when you overindulge in salty foods for years and years. There's other contributing factors besides a shitty diet as well but that's the long and short of it. Quitting refined sugars from sodas and processed drinks is a great idea though.
Eating enough salt is a common problem for raw vegans, people who do paleo diets and people who grow their own foods get their meat from their own farm raised animals.
I have a positive thought to share about the butcher's shop inside the campus. Today I'm waiting here for 2:30 hours and I thought whatever, I'll have some food. The shop is also a buffet for the students to eat some meaty lunch. I had a cabbage soup and what a way to start the fucking day. What a honest fucking livelihood this is though. If I compare it to the vietnamese resellers in my neighborhood and in other parts of town who buy the shittiest products on sale and sell it for normal or even higher prices. Fuck that. I was looking for a block of cheese two days back and I went through three vietshops. All had the same 30% bullshit they call Eidam but in reality it's some fucking weird gum. It's mafia. And it doesn't work properly for the customers.

But this. They fucking have their own products and they sell fucking MEAT BOMBS to students. Hams, salamis, kielbasas, soups every day. Yes madam. Yes mom. Yes dad.

Yes everyone.

Thumbs up.
And this doesn't have to be limited to meat. Why don't they pull off a vegetarian shop like this. They would have all sorts of veggies and soups every day. Why wouldn't that work.
I still have an hour and half to go until the next class but I'm not having a beer today. I really feel sick the fucking moment I have the first sip. It's like my body is allergic to beer because I've had enough for my entire life already.
Feel like fucking dick. I've got a wisdom tooth hurting me and I fell on the ice yesterday flat on my goddamn back. Not making this day at work much fun...