The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Some cars aren't worth keeping, some are. Not having a payment is a big plus unless the maintenance costs are more than a payment and will prob stay that way. I don't see the benefit in buying anything made since 2010 over something made between 2000-2010, if it's a good make/model, in fact it can be considered a backwards trend. All the bells and whistles added on are just one more (very expensive) thing to break. Vehicle engineering and fuel efficiency hasn't really significantly improved if you already had a Honda or Toyota or something from that timeframe and it has been taken care of.

That is pretty spot on. 90s Hondas are fucking immortal.
I owe nothing on the car because I paid for it in full. It's just every six months something seems to happen, and I do all the regular scheduled maintenance. In October I had to get a new alternator and a year or two before that was a new starter. Luckily, I have a good mechanic who is honest and doesn't gouge. Brakes and shit like that I don't mind because I can do them myself with my buddy.
I did just what you guys are talking about a couple of weeks ago. At a certain point it's better to put out a little extra money for a new modern car than to keep an old piece of crap that you have to repair every month, thinking it's 'cheaper'. Now I'm a proud Saab owner, fuck Audi and their steering joints.
I owe nothing on the car because I paid for it in full. It's just every six months something seems to happen, and I do all the regular scheduled maintenance. In October I had to get a new alternator and a year or two before that was a new starter. Luckily, I have a good mechanic who is honest and doesn't gouge. Brakes and shit like that I don't mind because I can do them myself with my buddy.

Alt/starter aren't that expensive. If it's only every 6 months thats not bad.
it's not. It's never been anything more than $400, so I've been lucky in that regard, but it adds up. After summer I'm going to save up for a down payment on a new car and put myself into bondage for five years.

edit: and yup. It's the compressor and drive belt. Parts + labor + freon totals to $ I expected
Don't forget that bondage most likely comes with higher insurance premiums and a higher year over year expense. It can be worth it, but isn't a sure thing.
Yeah, my Escape is a 2004 model, and mechanics tell me it's a model with remarkable longevity. It was my father's old car, which he passed on to me as a college graduation gift. It's gotten me halfway across the country and back multiple times, including to MDF, and I'll keep adding miles to it at a pretty rapid clip.

My greatest concern really is the chassis/body, which has been steadily rusting. Repairs on that are not cheap.
I cut my pubes for the first time ever this morning, and I'm a little mixed. When I cleaved the first lock fro, I realized how much history was held in them, and had no idea that even though the ends were still as wispy and blonde as they were when I was 12, the base had already grown fairly coarse. I have a feeling that even if I decide to grow them out again, they will never regain that youthful springiness. On the other hand, by the end of the night I was pretty happy with how much more bold my penis appears, and I won't have to worry about scraping out caked week-old semen in the shower any longer.
I cut my pubes for the first time ever this morning, and I'm a little mixed. When I cleaved the first lock fro, I realized how much history was held in them, and had no idea that even though the ends were still as wispy and blonde as they were when I was 12, the base had already grown fairly coarse. I have a feeling that even if I decide to grow them out again, they will never regain that youthful springiness. On the other hand, by the end of the night I was pretty happy with how much more bold my penis appears, and I won't have to worry about scraping out caked week-old semen in the shower any longer.

Worst post ever.
I cut my pubes for the first time ever this morning, and I'm a little mixed. When I cleaved the first lock fro, I realized how much history was held in them, and had no idea that even though the ends were still as wispy and blonde as they were when I was 12, the base had already grown fairly coarse. I have a feeling that even if I decide to grow them out again, they will never regain that youthful springiness. On the other hand, by the end of the night I was pretty happy with how much more bold my penis appears, and I won't have to worry about scraping out caked week-old semen in the shower any longer.

They'll grow back fully in two weeks.

Dude it's pubic hairs nothing youthful or childlike about them.

So I'm hearing through the grapevine that my job is going to take away my case load and just give me this new program called discovery. Basically I help the new guys coming into my program figure out what kinda of jobs they may be interested it so I take them out on trips and such. The good thing about this is that I may not have to work weekends and such ever again but the bad thing is if I'm ever out or whatever id be the only person who knows it. They are mainly doing it because the girl who was doing discovery quit (bad omen number 1) because they had her sign off of something that she didn't agree to. Idk. I really like my guys and a lot of my intensives are kinda dependent. Stupid job.
goddamn. seriously every night during my last class it's like a goddamn war is going on in my stomach holding in gigantic uncomfortable farts.
When I was laying in bed trying to sleep, I was having that terrible squidgy sounding gas in my gut; girlfriend wouldnt stop watchin netflix, so when I did fart, I gave her the dutch oven and it stank like rotten Mr. Noodles. It was gloriously terrible.
Currently turning some Taco Bell into shit.

Haven't posted on the forums in quite a while. Since then I've played shows in a hippie jam band Retardgenus and have recently started playing bass for crust/grind band Peccant.
Waiting for those fuckers to finish mastering our first recorded track entitled "Legal Rape".
Drinking Coffee. I have a Job interview tomorrow. Any job I have had have never had an interview. So.... hopefully everything goes alright.