The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Tomorrow I go to the doctor and he is going to have a look at the inside of my asshole with some probe. It should be over quickly.
No he'll be sweet and caring. No gape, no recording. He won't post the pictures on facebook and tag me after I leave and things like that.

I hope.
Sick again. -.- don't ever not take all of your antibiotics guys. Had to go to the doctor again.

Also, I think I won't be drinking alcohol for awhile. Hung out with some really cool people and had to just cab it the whole way through afterwards. Threw up in the cab too. The cab driver was really nice and helped me to puke a few times. Anyways, I'm not touching that stuff for a longggg time nor am I getting that drunk ever again. Luckily I'm off on Tuesdays.
Sick again. -.- don't ever not take all of your antibiotics guys. Had to go to the doctor again.

Also, I think I won't be drinking alcohol for awhile. Hung out with some really cool people and had to just cab it the whole way through afterwards. Threw up in the cab too. The cab driver was really nice and helped me to puke a few times. Anyways, I'm not touching that stuff for a longggg time nor am I getting that drunk ever again. Luckily I'm off on Tuesdays.

That's cool dude, especially after the stories I've heard about what assholes New York cab drivers are haha. Mainly hearsay probably.

Recently decided to not drink for awhile myself. I always regret how drunk I get, no self control there.
Carpe: nah man you're absolutely right. Cab drivers are total dicks here, I was just very lucky. :lol:

I normally have 3 drinks and that's enough to be tipsy and able to go home. But I was with a crowd who were constantly feeding me drinks and some weird shit in my head was telling me it's rude to say nah after the drink was already bought. -.- big mistake. Personally think it's great to take a hiatus from drinking sometimes. When you're too drunk to the point of seeing stars it definitely ruins the fun.
Omg that sounds absolutely awful. I'm glad you got home safely and I'm sorry you're sick.

The last time I got hammered hammered I had to do a lot of deep breaths to hold it together in the car on the way home, put my window down just in case, ugh. I don't like drinking that much anyway.
Not drinking since saturday. Still felt bad until tuesday when I finally felt fine. But today, again, not too good. I was kinda hoping I would completely stop drinking and this would go away but I guess I need to see another doctor. Pfft.
So I always wondered how Onder could afford to be drinking all the time with no money. We had a German visitor in class today who informed us it is dirt cheap to drink in Prague (and in CR in general). The More You Know.