The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

I hate my age. Tried to get into financing for a used car, looked into insurance, nothing under 380 for full coverage being a 23 year old with no credit.

This isn't goin in the bitching thread because there's still plenty of shit on craigslist I can continue covering with PLPD :)
I hate my age. Tried to get into financing for a used car, looked into insurance, nothing under 380 for full coverage being a 23 year old with no credit.

Even worse when you're a dude.

Then again, I got a credit card when I was 18, largely for the purpose of building credit early on.
Credit is actually really easy to build early on when you first start out. But don't make a mistake with it because it takes much longer to rebuild, and don't put off building it for the same reason.
It isn't that hard to build good credit. Pay your C/C on time, only have 1 (maybe 2) credit cards, never carry a balance (or carry a small one), etc. My credit score was over 800 when I went to buy my Civic.
What I'm doing on this friday night? Not going out. Let's chill and listen to music, shall we. With some green tea. I'm starting to like this green tea goddaym.
I put off building credit until now. Kinda stupid but I was really prone to making terrible decisions until I was 25 or so. I just got approved for my first card. It's a shitty CapitalOne secured card with a super low limit, but better than nothing.
I don't have a credit card yet. I always figured if I can't afford it then I don't need it. But adulthood will kick in soon. But yeah that car rental shit is dumb. Why is 25 (or is it 27?) the magical age where you become a productive adult? Pffft.

Popped a blood vessel in my eye from coughing a lot and my supervisor told me that I ruined myself and I need to put breast milk in my eye to clear it up. Just when I thought I heard it all.