The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

I really can't be bothered with overly judgmental people. Yes I let conversations run to their concluding silence and I don't bother about being all modern and contemporary and shiny. boohoo.
I really can't be bothered with overly judgmental people. Yes I let conversations run to their concluding silence and I don't bother about being all modern and contemporary and shiny. boohoo.

Drinking Beer in my efficiency. I'm just doing to drink beer and deal with DSS tomorrow. I have to comply with rehab in order for DSS to pay my rent, but Rehab is not going to piss test me until next week. So they're not going to know.
It looks like I'll have a job to go along with my studies starting this month. One of the reasons is not to feel like a lazy piece of shit and stuff, even though I barely spend any money. Today's society kinda looks down upon people who don't work all the time or people who have free time while THEY'RE at work. Part of this is caused by the hatred of gypsies in this republic. People are racist and hate gypsies and they try to hide it behind the fact that gypsies are lazy and get support from THEIR tax money. It's kinda funny because those people who complain the most are usually village communists (read: envious idiots). But anyway. They say "they're not racist" and that they just hate bastards who don't work and still have money for beer. This only has one consequence. All the whites work so they're different to gypsies and allow themselves to hate someone and the gypsies still don't do shit, obvs. And the hatred ingrows the society. It's already rooted so deep.

I hate communists more than ghetto gypsies, but they could kill each other for all I care.


I'm really happy about getting some regular job though. I'm still fucking angry about school, but that will hopefully pass.

I think my girl is happy about it too.
I understand the feeling of hating people who don't work, but I also think that it's more of a natural human emotional response to their limited understanding of the system than something especially rational. Yes if nobody worked, the system would be fucked, but the system isn't especially more fucked by poor people not working than by rich people not working. Also, the government socializes the debt of things like banks and big companies whilst selling the poor shit like "why rob peter to pay paul" and "no pain no gain" blah blah shit. You get right wing governments increasing government spending but purely on shit like "communising" the risk for the banks and selling all of the state hospitals to a single company, for five dollars, and making them not liable for any shortcomings.

Fuck the right wing.
Basically, I don't think you can have "democratic capitalist societies" and really, if you read in between the lies, neither did the people who founded them.