The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

My wife is using an e-cig and I think it's actually making her more addicted to nicotine.

I'm currently nursing a behemoth hangover after going out and getting stupid drunk the last three nights. Friend's 40th last night, metal gig the night before and romantic dinner/drinks fest the night before that. At the metal gig we were having beers in the beer garden and I threw a guy who claimed to be a Viking to the floor by his throat because he called my wife a cunt. He had a stupid chin braid and announced proudly that he was a racist Finnish descendant of the Vikings and he took issue with the fact that my wife is German for some unknown reason. It was all quite stupid and funny until he called her a cunt. I don't get in fights ever but if someone calls my wife a cunt I will lay the fucking smackdown. He was choking and spluttering and telling me to punch him and then security came and told him to leave. Of course he wanted me to come outside with him so we could punch on, but instead we laughed at him and called him an idiot and continued drinking and went to watch Conan's set.
Seriously what a douche, jeez. Sounds like he was looking for trouble glad you did what was necessary and nothing more.

I have dance practice but can't seem to get out of bed.
Yesterday my girlfriend said that I have this strange habit of always leaving her place right after I finish eating or fucking. I guess I should change that or something. But we watched a movie too.
Went for a run, It was pretty bad today, so I better go tomorrow as well.

Other than that, drinking tea and shit like that.
I watched The Brood and I fail to see how it is in any way a superior film to Videodrome. It isn't even a superior film to eXistenz. It was half somewhat good, half massively dumb and silly. A total misfire.
I watched The Brood and I fail to see how it is in any way a superior film to Videodrome. It isn't even a superior film to eXistenz. It was half somewhat good, half massively dumb and silly. A total misfire.

The Brood is amazing. One of my favorites. It's 80's-silly.

If I see him again I'll definitely pass that on.

Dude there are greek aryans and black eskimos walking the earth nowadays, men with vaginas and women with dicks too. History, biology, genetics don't matter anymore. You can just IDENTIFY as something and that's it. If he considers himself a viking then your wife is a cunt. Deal with it.
Yes, although I think I some very cheap vodkas smell even worse. I felt really weird until now, kinda like drunk, kinda stoned. I went to the shop cause I needed some air and was clearly not right - I laughed really loud on some billboard and people must've thought I'm psycho, I talked to the cute shop assistant and I shouted at some bitch in expensive SUV who forgot to turn blinker on. Successful day I guess.
Yes, although I think I some very cheap vodkas smell even worse. I felt really weird until now, kinda like drunk, kinda stoned. I went to the shop cause I needed some air and was clearly not right - I laughed really loud on some billboard and people must've thought I'm psycho, I talked to the cute shop assistant and I shouted at some bitch in expensive SUV who forgot to turn blinker on. Successful day I guess.

You can also try toluene next time. ;)
Dude there are greek aryans and black eskimos walking the earth nowadays, men with vaginas and women with dicks too. History, biology, genetics don't matter anymore. You can just IDENTIFY as something and that's it. If he considers himself a viking then your wife is a cunt. Deal with it.

Onder gets it.
it would be funny if someone organised a massive viking cunt walk through the town and pub and then some islamists counter protested it, then some anti fascists counter counter protested. Then, all of a sudden, a load of dragons came and burn it all down and captured the german wife and took her back to its lair and put her in a cage, at the back of its lair, which is full of gold coins and jewels and the dead bodies of heroes who tried to take the last german wife, who died there.