The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

She would have to be like Christina Hendricks hot for me to do it.

Good call. But I would rather ask her to squeeze her tits.

On topic: I'm really picky when it comes to which kind of chick's ass I would dig my face to. If I'm gonna lick some butt or do anal I want a bigger butt. So many times I've killed the moment by telling the girl her butt is not great enough...
Saw my shrink today, and went to AA meeting later on. Third day in a row of meetings, haven't done that for a while. Took the bus to/from the meeting, which was shit because it's below 20 F and windy.

Just took a couple pills for headache, and been reading a Pew study on historical trends in Muslim extremism so I can sound smart on Twitter.
Listening to Serial Urbicide by Extermination Dismemberment. Slam numbs my mind just enough to make me forget I'm going back to University tomorrow.
Packing. Driving up to the Bay Area tomorrow for a few days with the missus and then flying to Seattle for a few days. ..nice little vacation with lots of beer and friends