The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Just had the best workout so far on new routine.

Deadlifts and push presses + Zom and Gath Šmânê's EP. Strong times.

Gotta cook now, do some Arabic, get the train to meet people, get drunk, get laid and destroy things with God snores.
For what it's worth...I'm not sick. It's called washing your hands often and not being a little bitch.

I use anti-bacterial soap and hand sanitizer, consume gratuitous amounts of Vitamin C, drink hot tea and anything else to help the immune system, but you can only do so much when surrounded by snotty undergrads spreading the plague like rats.
Fuck all of that.

Eat lots of vegetables and fruit. Exercise. Get enough sleep. Don't get stressed out all the time. Have A* Celtic genetics.


I bet the main cause of so many freshers getting sick is a lack of all of the above combined with a more alcohol than they're used to.

If I'm not in a hospital, fuck things like hand sanitizer.
I only wash my hands after I shit, and if Im going to be eating a meal with my hands as opposed to using a utensil of some sort. Other than that, dont ever use hand sanitizer. I believe its overkill and unnecessary.

I know why I got sick, raged way too hard on NYE, fucked up my sleep schedule pretty bad, hung out with people that were sick and ended up smoking a few cigarettes after not having any for last few months. A series of not the smartest decisions, but, so it goes.
I often get sick after attending concerts, which I believe is due to overindulgence in drink, screaming my throat out till it's raw, and being packed in like a sardine with all sorts of blokes from far afield. Though lately I think I've developed more of an immunity. Fingers crossed.
Over washing lowers your body's natural immunities. Is this not common knowledge? I literally never get sick because my janitor night job exposes me to multiple cold and flu strains that no longer affect me.
surrounded by snotty undergrads spreading the plague like rats.

Ugh tell me about it. Between the pisspoor diet and sleep habits and the idiots who line up for a flu shot and subsequently shedding it throughout the halls, not sure which is the biggest threat. So glad I have all my classes in the same room this semester, aside from my thesis work. Since that room is primarily used for upper level phil classes I should be exposed to a lesser and more consistent litany of germs this semester. Worst thing about having kids is that as an adult you can usually withstand the average stuff you come in contact, but then you bring it and home and the kids pick it up and then being heavily exposed to it in incubated form for several days from them eventually you succumb. Even if it's usually no more than a stuffy/runny nose, still annoying.
Idiots who line up for a flu shot? If vaccination gets you sick, then maybe there are other issues going on in your body. Overall, vaccination is a good thing.
I'm not going to argue about the efficacy of vaccines in general, but the flu shot is no better than a shot in the dark. CDC finally admitted as much publicly this year, even though that reality was quite plain in the FAQ.
This year, the wrong strain of flu was chosen for the vaccine. This happens every once in a while.

The flu vaccine cannot get you sick. It's not always effective (say, if the wrong strain is chosen), but getting the vaccine, even if it was the wrong strain, will still make symptoms less severe if the flu is caught. More often than not, people believe they have the flu after receiving a flu shot when they actually have a cold. Many people also wait until it's far to late into flu season for a vaccine to be effective. It takes at least two weeks after the vaccine is received for the immunity's efficacy. Getting a flu shot in the dead of flu season is taking a shot in the dark.
Let's all write a metal song called "Litany of Germs."

On a hopefully unrelated note, I'm heading out the door in an hour or so to meet up with Pat/Einherjar in person at a tavern in Boston. I feel like one of Socrates' interlocutors about to join him at a symposium, knowing full well what he's getting himself into.