The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

The Island has chosen Locke to be the leader.

I look at it this way: The Island brought The DHARMA Initiative there, and with it came Ben. The Island chose to Ben to lead the people there, and so he killed everyone the Island didn't want. Ben was obsessed with the fertility issues on the island, because his Mother died giving birth to him. Because he was only concerned with that, and not all of the Islands secrets, the Island brought 815 and Locke there to replace him and gave Ben cancer. Locke's role has been to do as the Island intends, to follow the natural order of things, and Jack's role (along with most of the other survivors) has been to upset that order. Ben's role seems to have been resisting the Islands "choice" to replace him as the leader, and obviously that was impossible, which is why he started to lose his control over the Others at the end of last season.

No, the island chose Jacob or Jacob is the island itself. He does not like Ben and than shows himself to Locke. BUT when he shows himself to Hurely that means that might be choosing Hurely over Locke. If you notice Locke is becoming way to much in control. Also, Locke is the one in the casket.
No, the island chose Jacob or Jacob is the island itself. He does not like Ben and than shows himself to Locke. BUT when he shows himself to Hurely that means that might be choosing Hurely over Locke. If you notice Locke is becoming way to much in control. Also, Locke is the one in the casket.

I believe that Jacob is the embodiment of the Island, so I don't think the Island "chose" him.

Also, Jacob did not show himself to Hurley. Hurley saw the cabin, but it was Christian Sheppard in the rocking chair. When Jacob showed himself to Locke, he had long hair and a beard.

I'm not sure if I'm ready to say who is in the casket, but the fact that there was no one else at the viewing would imply that it could have been Locke. The only problem I have with that is that it would mean Locke had left the Island. And even if it was him, I don't see how that would negate the theory that the Island / Jacob chose Locke. If anything, it could explain why the lives of the "Oceanic 6" have gone to shit since leaving, and why they (or the two of them, at least) want to return so badly.
Picking out an new playlist for tonight's show. I'll reserve the one I built for the live stream debut for next week, since it's chock-full of all your requests.
I won't post next week's, but I'll post this week's once I've selected the songs. Not that you're going to hear them. Sucks that the stream won't be up till Wednesday.
An update on this earlier post:

In my international relations class, with the most idiotic and incoherent teacher I've ever had in my life. I'm pretty sure I'll come out of this class stupider than I was before I signed up for it.

The professor is an airhead with the vocabulary and grammar of a 3rd grader. She constantly speaks in run-on sentences, making it impossible to maintain one's attention span throughout half of her statements. There's no structure to her lecture whatsoever - she just brings up a topic, then goes into a long string of anecdotes and stories with no hint of what she'll be testing on. She doesn't emphasise any key points or terminology. It's just a giant, three hour long onslaught of verbal diarrhea. And to top it all off, she doesn't put any notes on the board, doesn't bring any slides, powerpoints, or any other visual aids.

I hope she gets nothing but inflammatory teacher evaluations at the end of the semester, after which she is promptly fired and branded on her forehead with the words "SHITTY TEACHER", in warning to the rest of the academic community.

I received the following e-mail from one of the students tonight, through the class mailing list:

I just spoke to our professor and she has been summarily fired. At this point there is no information on if the class is cancelled. Try contacting your advisors or someone from VCU to see what's going on because she has not been told anything.


On vacation. Gonna kick ass. My goals are to get better at tapping and pinch harmonics and to raise my practice SAT scores. About to watch the finale of season 3 of Buffy the Vampire Slayer (don't knock it till you've tried it - Joss Whedon is a fucking genius). And on the subject of Joss Whedon can I just strongly recommend that everyone rent Firefly, the most brilliant tv series ever. Check it out, even if you don't like sci fi.
Listening to Frankenstein by the edgars winters group at 2:37 AM

ohh and puzzling over some homework.

Someone explain the storyline to Lost to me.

A plane full of passengers crashes on an island (supposedly) in the South Pacific. This is a very, very, very weird island. Like, really, really fucking weird. The Island is full of mysteries and secrets, and it soon becomes apparent that each of the survivors was brought to the Island for a reason. I capitalize "Island", by the way, because the Island is very much alive and seems to have a "mind" of its own.

This show fucking rules, but it can be frustrating (THIS FUCKING SHOW!), because it heaps tons of mysteries on the viewer and slowly, sort-of reveals the answers behind some of them. TONS of unanswered questions, some even remaining from season 1. But I have no doubt that we'll learn the answers eventually.

Bottom line: It is very interesting, intricate and involved. It's pretty heavy. If you want to start watching it, you'll have to go pick up or borrow Season 1 on DVD and start from the beginning. If you, remember to pay attention. The show is very deliberate. Everything matters, even what may seem like minor details.

(Obviously I love this show, btw.)