The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Just finished Season 7 (the last season) of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I thought the ending was forced (as he didn't intend to end the series), but solid. Debating whether to buy the comic books (on the one hand, irredeemable nerdiness, but on the other, DAMNIT I want to see what happens).
Also, it bothers me that there was a direct reference to Trogdor in the final episode. Considering that the show ended well before the Trogdor fad...

Today is Passover, which means I can't do shit. Just gotta chill at home. Kinda bored. Relatives will be arriving shortly.
I've always wondered why you decided to study in Toronto when you lived near all those Ivy League schools.
A few reasons

1.) It would have been very difficult for me to get into an Ivy League school.
2.) Even at international student rates, U of T is as cheap or cheaper than everything besides UMASS
3.) I had visited Toronto prior to coming here and really liked it.
4.) I wanted to go to a city and get a new experience
5.) I wanted to get away from everyone in my high school, besides my friends, but they were going all over the country anyway.

I can very confidently say that I made the absolute right choice. I really like Toronto and Canada in general.

You realize that Lake Ontario is the coalescence of every article of pollution that enters the totality of the Great Lakes, right?

Heck, I go to Lake Erie every summer and there are dead fish washing ashore constantly. And all the phosphates dumped into it are creating fuckloads of algae that piles up on the shore and putrifies.
We didn't go in the water :loco:
Well I set up a badminton net out on the quad, and it's nearly 2 PM and everyone's still asleep. I'm sure there will be people willing to play after dinner before sunset.
Just finished Season 7 (the last season) of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I thought the ending was forced (as he didn't intend to end the series), but solid. Debating whether to buy the comic books (on the one hand, irredeemable nerdiness, but on the other, DAMNIT I want to see what happens).
Also, it bothers me that there was a direct reference to Trogdor in the final episode. Considering that the show ended well before the Trogdor fad...

Today is Passover, which means I can't do shit. Just gotta chill at home. Kinda bored. Relatives will be arriving shortly.

I have the first three or four comics; they're okay but nothing special. I wish the show would come back, less cheesy this time.
I have the first three or four comics; they're okay but nothing special. I wish the show would come back, less cheesy this time.

Cheesy as in the campiness of the first 3 seasons or as in the overbearing seriousness of the last 4?

I wish it would come back, but there's no chance of that now. Fuck Sarah Michelle Geller for leaving (she was getting payed shit-heaps of money, too). They're making a movie about Giles, though.
Party last night?

Not here. I had my show from 9 to midnight, and went to bed around 1 after hanging out with my more academically-motivated friends. It's a shame, though. I enrolled in Honors housing hoping that everyone here would actually give a damn. Now I see a divide between those who give damn like me, and those party-animals who are wasting their potential. Luckily, most of the latter won't be in Honors housing in the fall.

Once I move in to my new hall this fall I plan to get more social, since any upper-classmen who choose to stay in Honors housing obviously are more like-minded.
You can still party and do well in school. At least that is how I am doing in my High School. After high school, the parties will only be better more crazy.
I love how you have logical rationalizations for avoiding parties and stuff. (I'm the same way)

Why though? I do not see a point in wasting my youth in front of a screen. I like to go out with people and talk. It does not have to always be drinking or anything like that. Too many metalheads down have a developed social life.
Cheesy as in the campiness of the first 3 seasons or as in the overbearing seriousness of the last 4?

I don't know, I just constantly felt an air of cheesiness while watching any episode. I sitll liked them though. I think I've watched every single episode, but not in a long time.
Why though? I do not see a point in wasting my youth in front of a screen. I like to go out with people and talk. It does not have to always be drinking or anything like that. Too many metalheads down have a developed social life.
Not you, Zeph.
I'll admit it. I'm a loser. I have a small social circle of very close friends with similar interests. I don't particularly enjoy talking with people I have nothing in common with. If I could find a large number of people into extreme metal, I would hang out with them. Which is pretty much what the internet is. I can carry on a normal conversation, even with a girl. I only get fucked up when I'm talking to a girl I actually genuinely like and am attracted to both physically and as a person (So far I've met 3 of them). I once somehow derailed a conversation into autoerotic asphyxiation (oops). Not sure how that happened.

Anyhow. I really have very little in common with most people my age. I don't drink or smoke, don't listen to pop or hip-hop, don't go to see many movies (usually a waste of money, but some, like Indiana Jones, require a theater viewing), don't do sports, or any of that.

Also, I don't get invited to parties :cry:
I don't know, I just constantly felt an air of cheesiness while watching any episode. I sitll liked them though. I think I've watched every single episode, but not in a long time.
Yeah. I've now seen every single episode, and I have the musical saved on my netflix queue for whenever it gets released. Eventually planning on getting the box set and rewatching with commentary etc.
Not you, Zeph.
I'll admit it. I'm a loser. I have a small social circle of very close friends with similar interests. I don't particularly enjoy talking with people I have nothing in common with. If I could find a large number of people into extreme metal, I would hang out with them. Which is pretty much what the internet is. I can carry on a normal conversation, even with a girl. I only get fucked up when I'm talking to a girl I actually genuinely like and am attracted to both physically and as a person (So far I've met 3 of them). I once somehow derailed a conversation into autoerotic asphyxiation (oops). Not sure how that happened.

Anyhow. I really have very little in common with most people my age. I don't drink or smoke, don't listen to pop or hip-hop, don't go to see many movies (usually a waste of money, but some, like Indiana Jones, require a theater viewing), don't do sports, or any of that.

Also, I don't get invited to parties :cry:

Same here on most of that stuff. I get invited to parties but rarely go because all the people here are fucking morons and I hate them.
Tr00. I prefer just to get hammered with a small group of people. Large parties are depressing, everyone getting drunk and throwing up all over the place... much better to chill out in a nice warm - and small - shed or something, with some loud music, booze and drugs, somewhere with a dozen people you know, and actually like, whereas I always end up trying to stop myself punching someone at anything larger.

I hardly ever get invited to parties or to go clubbing, and usually don't go when I am. Gigs are waaay fucking cooler anyway.
Listening to Ad Inferna, and I've just noticed that the new Ihsahn album has been leaked.

And as for drinking, I usually only go out with a few people or if I attend parties, they're the kind that I'm invited to where there's only 15-20 people at most. I can't stand huge parties where everyone's invited. As FenriR mentioned, they can be depressing because you've got people throwing up all over, and not to mention far too many sluts and people looking to hookup, and just generally people I don't like.
I go to parties because getting wasted is fun.

I'm in the horrible position where I was a complete geek during my first years in Comp, and now lack both the ability, or the effort, to uphold the image.

I end up being a very thick, uncool person.

But atleast I'm not short on the friend side. This year schools kinda been divided into Kids Who Play Sports and Look Their Age, and Kids Who Don't.
WIAF you sound like I was in high school. None of my friends drank or partied and everyone who did was dumb and I didn't like them. I think I had a decent circle of friends because my interests are fairly well rounded, but high school social life is so full of bullshit and drama and stuff I hate that I just chilled with my friends and did stuff I liked.

College for me has been a lot better. Everyone here is smart (you have to be to get in) and parties contain lots of people I like. Drinking of course is fun when you do it in this context. Also there are a lot of hot girls. My social skills have gotten a lot better as a result.

If I were you I wouldn't worry about not going to parties and stuff, but also don't be afraid to talk to people you might not have considered.

Also do not drink a whole mickey of rum in one night :oops:
Mathiäs;7174462 said:
Same here on most of that stuff. I get invited to parties but rarely go because all the people here are fucking morons and I hate them.

WIAF you sound like I was in high school. None of my friends drank or partied and everyone who did was dumb and I didn't like them. I think I had a decent circle of friends because my interests are fairly well rounded, but high school social life is so full of bullshit and drama and stuff I hate that I just chilled with my friends and did stuff I liked.

College for me has been a lot better. Everyone here is smart (you have to be to get in) and parties contain lots of people I like. Drinking of course is fun when you do it in this context. Also there are a lot of hot girls. My social skills have gotten a lot better as a result.

If I were you I wouldn't worry about not going to parties and stuff, but also don't be afraid to talk to people you might not have considered.

Also do not drink a whole mickey of rum in one night :oops:
I get the feeling you really want me to come to University of Toronto. :p

Yeah, I'm hoping college will weed out the total dipshits and there'll be enough people there that it won't be hard to find people I like.