The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Finding out about seeing Dream Theater in May. My friends bought tickets and said they were sold out but I saw some for DC on the 26th (of May). Hopefully thats the one they're going to and hopefully I can go.
I'm pretty similar to you guys. In high school all my friends started drinking and smoking weed and shit. I wasn't really into that so when they invited me to parties and stuff I would decline. They eventually stopped inviting me to parties since they realized I didn't want to come, and we would just hang out during non-party times instead.

I did lose a few friends that way, though.
I only hang out with about 4 or 5 different people, mostly because I detest the vast majority of my peers. I've been told that I am well liked by most people, but I just don't like to associate with most people, simply because they don't share any common interests with me and don't bother to develop any mildly unique interests of their own. Maybe I'm just a giant prick, who knows.

When it comes to drinking, I usually just do it by myself to cop a buzz or get slightly drunk on my own, since I haven't found anyone else that I would want to have a few drinks with without acting stupid.
Just played badminton for over an hour before it got too dark. We'll be having another round of Trivial Pursuit down in the lounge in about 20 mins.
I'm smoking my new weed. But I am dissapointed that today happens to be a weekend, because that means no good shit is on the TV. I guess it's Adult Swim for me, maybe some good stuff will be on if I'm lucky.
Not you, Zeph.
I'll admit it. I'm a loser. I have a small social circle of very close friends with similar interests. I don't particularly enjoy talking with people I have nothing in common with. If I could find a large number of people into extreme metal, I would hang out with them. Which is pretty much what the internet is. I can carry on a normal conversation, even with a girl. I only get fucked up when I'm talking to a girl I actually genuinely like and am attracted to both physically and as a person (So far I've met 3 of them). I once somehow derailed a conversation into autoerotic asphyxiation (oops). Not sure how that happened.

Anyhow. I really have very little in common with most people my age. I don't drink or smoke, don't listen to pop or hip-hop, don't go to see many movies (usually a waste of money, but some, like Indiana Jones, require a theater viewing), don't do sports, or any of that.

Also, I don't get invited to parties :cry:

I never, ever have been a loser. My high school has never been too much of a mean school. I can hang out with the kids who excel in football and like mainstream MTV music and they can hang out with me, who is into every type of underground music.Somehow we all find some common ground to connect. I would rather have friends who are different and I have fun with than just be friends by default because they like metal, even though I dot act/dress/claim to be a metalhead. So I am a regular within the "popular" group, which does not hold much cred in my school, but I seem to find time to be my own person.
I was generally singled out throughout my formative schooling since I'm a minority in my area, so I never quite felt comfortable talking to many people until high school really. In college I haven't really given a fuck about making friends. I drive to school, to go classes, and come home, about as simple as that. I talk to a few people, but that's about it. During the school year I like to get into the mindset that I have no friends because it keeps be focused on my school work. During breaks is when I actually hang out and do things. It works out pretty well for me and I really don't feel like I'm missing out on anything that I would actually enjoy doing.
i dont have much in common with my close friends either. theyre all jocks and i have longish hair and i dont go to the gym or anything, im the only one taht listens to metal, actually im the only one that listens to rock at all. its just all about havin a good time together,

i was one of the more popular kids in my high school just about everybody knew me/got along with me. im kinda proud to have no enemies considering my extreme cocky personality. its kind of funny how people that seem nothing alike can be best friends