The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

you said you wanted my finished work.
And I was thinking a reverse traci lord. I'd be willing to act in cougar porn for a while, establish my credentials, then get out on my own.
You won't even know it's me - I'm a method actor.

And technically wouldn't my finished work mean a hot chick splattered in cum?
You guys are disturbing on so many levels. Keep this shit up. It's hilarious. :lol:
Right now I am working on my Research Analysis Essay. Once I'm done with this crap I have to make a Power Point for my speech which is on setting up your own network. Easy shit obviously but god damn it I am sick of speeches and Power Points. :mad:
You guys are disturbing on so many levels. Keep this shit up. It's hilarious. :lol:
It's hard work being this perverted in front of females (or alleged females - those pics could be of other people), and I appreciate your enjoyment. It makes it all worth it.
doom is a very badass word. I was watching Conan The barbarian and anyone who's seen that will remember the part where several hundred people are chanting "doom" and it sounds fucking badass.
Why are you feeling grey, gR?

Also, grimmy... thanks... I've been working hard to become as disturbing as I am now... just wait until you see me at my best. :D
being amused at peoples edits of me.

being annoyed I don't have fireworks on this laptop.

thinking about food.