The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Sitting around on my ass at the apartment instead of working, since my car wouldn't start this morning. I got it towed to the shop across the street, and am waiting for them to get it fixed. Incidentally, I really didn't want to go to work today, so I'm kind of enjoying the time off.
That is it. Nec thought I had a mancrush on him, but really it was on you. Please, make me your disciple and teach me the ways of the owl thingy.
EDIT: ninja'd in a way that makes this post really awkward.
@virus: you can't get to work any other way?
@virus: you can't get to work any other way?

Well I could get a taxi I guess, but I kind of like to actually make money from a day of work instead of losing it.

But yeah, I don't really know anyone in the area who I could bum a ride off of in such short notice.
people give pointless responses such as ":lol:" normally, so I don't see the difference - just being more efficient.
Edit: ninja'd
@virus: just wondering if you lived in a place where you could take a train or bus or w/e.
Its only annoying if you quote a bunch of things and give pointless responses.
exactly. that would be more annoying.
tbh i don't see the problem with multiquoting.
because you responded to each post with an individual post, iirc.
cat's pajamas
i used to get shit for NOT using the multi quote