The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

just got back from an interesting meeting. one of the venue owners wants has started a group to help the scene and community. so like any smart band, we showed up. met 2 other bands and a recording guy. this was the first meeting, and we were basically just meeting people and throw out ideas. alot of what we discussed was about getting involved with kids and orphanages, which is totally my thing.

we all admit that there is something to gain for our bands and businesses. but we really can get something done if we put effort into it.

and now im home and watching shark week
ive taught music before. had a great time. ive also coached soccer and im still very involved with boy scouts. as a matter of fact, tomorrow im doing the music merit badge with 8 kids from the troop. as well as the normal troop meeting stuff. i think a couple kids need physical fitness stuff done, and alot of them need a requirement i can sign off for 2nd class.

working with kids is simply the best
I just came to the realization that the chick who lives above me must have gotten dumped by her boyfriend, because I haven't heard her having loud, obnoxious sex in a long time.
Nothing. I'm just sitting here without a T-shirt wearing jeans without any boxers on. fuck yeah this rules
sitting at work watching the clokc tick by until I can leave and go get get my 40 cd package fromthe post office *sigh*... then off to boxing for a few hours... :kickass:
at least you get it all out in 1 go... just sit and let it drain... :kickass:

I lost 30 kilos in 5 days in Nepal in '98 thanks to a severe bout of moist turdism... :puke: repainted the hotel bathroom :headbang: