The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

bah, my car is in the shop. new struts and alignment will cost me $520 bucks.
and it's supposed to be done by now.

Fuck, that blows. I just had to put $500 on my credit card to get a new front bumper from a wreck I got in a few weeks ago. The worst part was that it was my fault & it could have been avoided. It was only a light tap, but I have an Accord & I hit a truck's trailer hitch. Fucked my bumper up to hell & dented my hood a bit.
Hi trans, you're lucky! Wow, now I almost feel like not going but whatever, I'll go.
I sent in my vote for Obama today. I also voted no on abolishing Massachusett's income tax, yes on decriminalizing small marijuana possession and no on banning dog racing.

I wish Pennsylvania had relevant shit like that on the ballot. Last election I ended up voting for Bob Casey Jr. for Senate, "Yes" on Cheese steaks and "Sometimes" on GO EAGLES.
Ugh. I hope this shit is just a flu gone bad because I've been drinking heavily the whole time I've had it.
Feel like crap. Went to bed from 2 till 6 yesterday afternoon. My sleeping pattern was fucked beyond belief. kept waking up at stupid hours of the morning
I've been sick the past couple of days. I have episodes where I have to shit every 10 minutes and it got so bad I went back to my room at the end of the day. I'm starting to feel better now but it sucked.
someone rec me some laptops, pronto
800-1500, price tag
a modest graphics card, 13+inch screen, and GREAT battery life are musts. thanks