The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

fags arent good for your health
Interesting that someone as far back in the closet as Tech would make a comment such as that.

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I'm not sure how many cigarettes I've had today, but the fact that you have that picture on hand really strengthens my statement about you being in the closet.
today i ate several ridiculously huge cinnamon rolls
and the icing was so sugary that i can feel my body getting diabetes

now i'm just waiting for lunch
Now I'm trying to find a good movie to watch. And if, in general, what I have been doing recently in my spare time, I am looking for a girl on dating sites or in special applications. by the way, I can recommend a resource where you can read reviews of the most popular dating sites, see if they fit your queries and requirements, register and use. very convenient and practical.
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I don't think you were missing that much. I know people praise Kubrick and Nicholson but I preferred the mini series if I had to sit down and watch it.
Aweeeee. Just because I don't agree with the popular kiddies doesn't make my opinion less valid. :cry:
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