The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Listening to Van Der Graaf Generator-Pawn Hearts for the second time and thinking WTF is that? This stuff is so patchy and out of tune, it's like the aural equivalent of a schizophrenic's nightmare. I probably should've downloaded some samples before rushing to buy it.
I've only heard H to He, and that was pretty decent. The first song on it kinda overshadows the rest in awesomeness, though.
Haven't heard H yet. The other one I bought--GodBluff seems more coherent and has better flow. This one may actually grow on me.

Pawn Hearts just has that too much stuff happening at once, really disappointing. I usually don't give up on an album after first few listens, but my optimism is already waning.
I took advanced level Algebra II in 11th grade and got B's. That's about the limit of my math skills. I'm signing up for College Algebra next semester just to get the math requirement out of the way.
I fucking suck at math. Esp. word probs.

You wanna help me out?

"The length of a rectangle is 20 ft. less than twice the width. If the perimeter of the rectangle is 260 ft., find the length and width of a rectangle. "
width = W
length = L

perimeter = 2W + 2L (by definition)

L = 2W - 20

2W + 2L = 260
2W + 2(2W-20) = 260
2W + 4W - 40 = 260
6W = 300
W = 50 <- width

recall that 2W + 2L = 260

2(50) + 2L = 260
100 + 2L = 260
2L = 160
L = 80 <- length
I'm eating spaghetti right now and I'm going to see Immolation in about an hour. FUCK YEAH!