The "what pisses you off" thread

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Bad drivers.
Its also a pet peeve of mine when people misuse you're and your, as well as their, there, and they're. Also when people mix up I and me. My grandma made me speak correctly.
Also idiots make me angry.
when friends backstab you then wonder why you don't trust them.
when my mum constantly gets on my back about things.
and most guys at school as well i guess.
When people post pictures of them kissing their spouse/bf/gf/whatever

We know you're with them and we know that you obviously love them. I don't want to see pictures of you kissing them to prove to people that you do, indeed, love each other

When people say people are stupid for discriminating them for the way they dress. Yet discriminate people for their musical taste.

People who think musical taste determines the value of a persons existance. When its just a form of entertainment.


People who make racist comments about Hispanic and Middle Eastern people and think they aren't racist because they have black friends.

Searching for a video and finding reactions to a video and video responses and never finding the actual video. I don't give a shit about some random persons view of some event. I just wanna see the damn video.

People who think grades determine your intelligence. Obviously they've never heard of Albert Einstein.

Its also a pet peeve of mine when people misuse you're and your, as

I hate that too. I also hate it when people call me a "grammar nazi" for correcting people.


People who hate Rap when they've only heard 10 seconds of a Rap song. Or hate it because they don't like the people who listen to it. And they never actually listened to it themselves.

How my band is dead.
The fact that I never have enough money
The fact that it's way too long until I start working.. cant wait to put what Im studying to use
Co-workers who get drunk at work and can't do their job, which only creates more work for me.

Drunk co-workers who ask for a ride home and then proceed to give me the "I love you man" rant and lecture me on god the duration of the ride home.
Kids who think they're cool for dropping things from balconies in malls.

People who think ignorance and stupidity are the same thing.

How I have to have binders for certain classes yet they don't give me hole punched paper.

How I get about 10 sheets a day from all my classes and always become unorganized.

When people give me shit for saying I don't like a band when I haven't listened to all their songs. If I don't like a band from listening to a few songs I'm not going to spend an hour or two listening to all of their songs to see if there are any I like. People can just recommend me some of their good stuff.

People who bash bands all the time. If you don't bash a band you hate all the time, you will find them less irritating.

When Athiests bitch about Catholics forcing their beliefs on them yet force their beliefs on people more and in a more annoying way.

When people (mostly Metalheads and people into Classic Rock do this) call everything Pop-Punk with lyrics that have the tiniest hint of emotion Emo. Use Wikipedia for once.

People who pretend to skate because they're too lazy to buy a board and learn.

When people think fast and technical make a good guitarist. A good guitarist makes good riffs. B.B. King can't play nearly as fast as Herman Li but he is a lot better.

When I download an album from itunes and get half the songs.
Fast and technical do make a skilled guitarist. There is no definition of what is "good" as it differs for each individual. Both B.B King and Herman Li can suck my balls.

I hate people who think they're always right/arguementative even when they're wrong.
Loud dogs. The girl next door to me. The birds outside that insist upon staying up all night 'singing'. And er, Jesus, ofcourse.
Pђoenix;6899833 said:
Fast and technical do make a skilled guitarist. There is no definition of what is "good" as it differs for each individual. Both B.B King and Herman Li can suck my balls.

I hate people who think they're always right/arguementative even when they're wrong.

Notice how I said good and not skilled. Sure technical skill makes a skilled guitarists. And I do not think I am right, I am stating my opinion. My definition of a good guitarist is one that makes good riffs.

My shitty amp.

Winter (the season, not the user).

Valentines day, because of all the stupid romance shit on tv and in the movie theater.
Valentines day, because of all the stupid romance shit on tv and in the movie theater.
valentine's day is something totally superficial, only created for commercial purpose... i dont see why there is a special day to go to a restaurant/ spend some nice time with the person you love, you can still do that whenever you want during the year.

edit: and i hate love movies / books, they suck. we call them "rose water books" in French
Bible-bashing christians who are out to save the world but act exactly like the people they are out to save. i cant stand the hypocrisy and my mother is one of them so I get my daily dose of shit from her.
Posers, enough said. They seem to be breeding like rabbits in my area. Like the girl wearing the Pantera shirt saying she has loved them forever, but can't tell you what happened to Dimebag and can't name a single album. C'mon you could at least say the best of.
Insecure people who hurt others to make themselves feel better.
Emo music...shit like MCR and Fall Out Boy.
Those bands aren't Emo. Listen to Rites Of Spring and other real Emo bands. MCR and Fall Out Boy are just Pop-Punk.

When the first minute or two of a music video is some clip. And no the song starts after.
Notice how I said good and not skilled. Sure technical skill makes a skilled guitarists. And I do not think I am right, I am stating my opinion. My definition of a good guitarist is one that makes good riffs.

Man I wasn't attacking you, I simply was stating about a skilled guitarist and it didn't seem like you were giving your opinion to me.
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