The "what pisses you off" thread

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Idiots who say "I hate Mexicans". And their favorite food is chipotle, and they use Spanish phrases and words like Que pasa and hasta luego.

People who say "why can't everyone speak English" because they do shitty in their foreign language class.

How stupid some people are.

Being expected to turn creativity on like a faucet for some school assignments.

When people think grades determine your intelligence.
Yeah some of that stuff is stupid but I like some of the designs.

I hate people who make up stories about people they know nothing about instead of just talking to them.
i hate windows... for the past 2 weeks it only loads and starts correctly half of the time... getiing a new hard drive soon, i will test some Linux distribution on it and see if i can get my games to run...
I hate the laptop in my house. It only charges when the cable is in a certain position. And its slow as fuck.

Searching for a thread where most of the words in the title are under 4 letters.

When I get Headaches in school and teachers don't let me go to the health room because they think I just wanna skip class.

When people plug toilets so I have to search through the entire fucking school to find one, so it takes me 20 minutes to go to the bathroom. Then teachers get pissed off and think I didn't go to the bathroom.

Assistant teachers who don't understand that they're just an assistant.

How I'm not allowed to listen to my i-Pod at lunch.

Having a learning "disability", more like a learning difference. The only time I can learn well auditorily is if I'm doing something physical. Such as pacing or drawing. And teachers taking that away.

People who think I'm completely unaware of my own needs and the world around me because I'm 14.

valentine's day is something totally superficial, only created for commercial purpose... i dont see why there is a special day to go to a restaurant/ spend some nice time with the person you love, you can still do that whenever you want during the year.

edit: and i hate love movies / books, they suck. we call them "rose water books" in French

All valentines day does is put crappy movies in the theaters, suck the money out of a mans wallet (if they have a gf) and make people without lovers feel like ugly and unwanted. February is the month with the most suicides.

Not to be sexist but women already have enough social advantages. For one, men usually pay for their stuff. Its stupid how men have to be expected to spend a lot of money they can use for something they want just to do stupid shit on valentines day. You can have a good time without spending a ton of money.

And yeah, I do hate romance movies. I can watch a romantic comedy if its funny or a romantic action movie if theres good action. But if a movie is straight up romantic, there is no way I'll watch it.

I hate people who give me shit for posting on message boards when I go on them during school. I post on one, good for me, fuck off.

I also hate how my brother never logs out of his fucking account. He stays logged in when he's done using it. So since I don't the password to his account and can't go in and log him off, I have to restart the computer.
How early school starts for me. If the county would be willing to pay for some more busses then there wouldn't be as many drop outs. And people could get better grades. But if they move the time back too late it will interfere with some peoples after school jobs. Not everyone has a job after school.
That sucks. The catholic school I used to go to started at 8:45 and ended at 3:30 but I wouldn't get home until around 4:30.
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