The "what pisses you off" thread

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People who won't shut up. I say "good morning" to my co-workers as I'm passing by as a polite gesture and they stop me to give me their life stories.
Annoying people.
People who judge me because of what I wear / what I listen to.
Religious people who try to force their views on me.
People who either think I am a satanist and/or evil when I say i'm atheist.
The hair rule for school -_-
Sold-out tickets for a band I want to see.
The hair rule for school -_-
What kind of a hair rule does your school have?:erk:

People judging me because of how I look.
Having to repeat myself. I will repeat myself once, after that, you missed it.
My chemistry teacher. Biggest idiot ever, how he is even allowed to teach scares the hell out of me.
Not having my license.
This kind of goes with the license thing, but living in the middle of nowhere!
Forgot about this one but it is really a big one for me: feminists. I just hate 'em even though I'm a girl.
I'm guessing resurrect goes to a Catholic school or a private school that only lets your hair be a certain length and won't let you have mohawks or anything like that.

And yes feminists are extremely annoying. Its been almost a hundred years since women won their rights in America, they should give it a rest. Its also annoying when some black people think all white people are racist and hate them. Its quite the opposite now, you don't see any white kids wearing turbans and playing sitar or wearing sombreros and listening to reggaeton.
And yes feminists are extremely annoying. Its been almost a hundred years since women won their rights in America, they should give it a rest.
More than that it is the ones who are like, "Women are not objects!" Maybe she likes being a porn star or a stripper. Who are you to say that that is wrong and take that right away if that is HER choice to be doing that?
Exactly, being a porn star doesn't make women look like objects. Women IMO judge men by looks as if they are objects just as much as men judge women that way, guys are just more up front about it to women. Women say "its stupid how guys can go out with girls with crappy personalities just because they're hot" and yet a lot of women do the same thing with men. I hate the sexist feminists. I thought they were for the equality of the sexes, not female superiority.

Its annoying when someone fights for equality amongst races or sexes but ends up forgetting that and ends up leaning towards their own superiority. And to anyone who finds this offensive, I don't want to get into an argument about this.
i just hate it when teenagers naively act like "Shitknot" is the greatest band to ever been spawned on the earth. And they even go as far as to call it "Heavy Metal" and in some cases they call it "Death Metal"

What kind of a hair rule does your school have?:erk:

Not allowed hair past the top of the collar of the blazer -_-

I'm guessing resurrect goes to a Catholic school or a private school that only lets your hair be a certain length and won't let you have mohawks or anything like that.

Your partly right, they only let your hair be collar length, and your not allowed stuff like mohawks, although some guy has got away with an afro xD
+ its not a catholic/private , just an all guys grammar school
Not allowed hair past the top of the collar of the blazer -_-

Your partly right, they only let your hair be collar length, and your not allowed stuff like mohawks, although some guy has got away with an afro xD
+ its not a catholic/private , just an all guys grammar school
Wow, that really sucks. I could never live with that. I'm a girl and my hair is probably 3-4 inches long and is currently fluorescent orange, but the color changes on a fairly regular basis and I do liberty spike all the time. Always wanted to so the mowhawk, too.
Just watching the news pisses me off. Total disinfo bullshit.

The news ticker at the bottom of the screen: "Terrorists are under your bed, give up your liberty for security, there is no economic crisis, dissent = terrorism, blind flag-waving support = patriotism, there are no FEMA camps, the NAFTA agreement does not destroy national sovereignty, the dollar is not collapsing, torture is fantastic, move along, nothing to see here, everything is fine, the government loves you, now shut the hell up and drink your water (with extra fluoride!)"

You know, the usual.
Local news pisses me off. I don't care about the local village idiot and their wandering emu circus.
I like the local news where I live, maybe its not as obnoxious. On my local news they tell the stories people care about.
Me too, especially when teachers give you shit. If you don't want kids sleeping in class in the morning, put more energy into it! Some people think its what they're teaching thats boring and not the teacher, a good teacher can make pretty much anything fun.

People who walk slow in the hallways, and people who meet up with their friends and stop in the middle of the hallway. There are at least 50 or 60 people that need to move through a 10 foot wide hallway (and thats not even a main hall) to get to their next class. If you're going to talk, go to the side of the hall, don't stop in the middle so that people have to go around you and slow down hall traffic.

People who talk loud on their cellphones.
This English project. Theres so much shit and little details that have to go into it. Damn it! And its worth so many fucking points!

Getting too much fucking homework.

If I get a single spring break assignment I will immediately crumple it up and throw it in the trash.
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