The Whining and Bitching Thread

^Last two posts are pretty fantastic.
Alrighty then, my turn!
A couple weeks ago I messed up my back in rugby practice doing some rucking. Being a fullback/ winger, I had never done such a thing before, and didn't realize how low you actually have to get in order to win the ruck. Thus, I was pushed over and twisted my back in the pile of other thrashing girls. Now, after more rugby practices and sleepless nights, my back issues have become worse. Added on top of that, I've been struggling with school. (I have a bitch of an english teacher who wont do anything about other students taking credit for my work, math exam coming up that I'm not nearly prepared for, and then art class in which I have 115.9% but all my hard work hasn't cut me any slack.) I went to my art teacher after school today to state that I wouldn't be attending Art Club due to illness. Instead of looking at all of the extra work I have done, and seeing that Art Club is extra curricular, she insisted that I should still stay for the next hour and a half organizing calenders for Robert Bateman's visit on Friday. Fuck that shit, I went home! /end rant. :)
I had an argument about music taste at school and I'm still pissed off. Anyone who uses the word nowadays a lot is a wanker.
My goddamn guitar is in two fucking pieces! I'm jumping to conclusions and saying that my slut girlfriend got mad and did it. However it is possible I set it down wrong and it simply fell. But she did it. I'm considering arsen. Mmmm...crispy woman...
My goddamn guitar is in two fucking pieces! I'm jumping to conclusions and saying that my slut girlfriend got mad and did it. However it is possible I set it down wrong and it simply fell. But she did it. I'm considering arsen. Mmmm...crispy woman...
isn't she the mother of your baby?
because that just makes it more brutal. :kickass:
^Last two posts are pretty fantastic.
Alrighty then, my turn!
A couple weeks ago I messed up my back in rugby practice doing some rucking. Being a fullback/ winger, I had never done such a thing before, and didn't realize how low you actually have to get in order to win the ruck. Thus, I was pushed over and twisted my back in the pile of other thrashing girls. Now, after more rugby practices and sleepless nights, my back issues have become worse. Added on top of that, I've been struggling with school. (I have a bitch of an english teacher who wont do anything about other students taking credit for my work, math exam coming up that I'm not nearly prepared for, and then art class in which I have 115.9% but all my hard work hasn't cut me any slack.) I went to my art teacher after school today to state that I wouldn't be attending Art Club due to illness. Instead of looking at all of the extra work I have done, and seeing that Art Club is extra curricular, she insisted that I should still stay for the next hour and a half organizing calenders for Robert Bateman's visit on Friday. Fuck that shit, I went home! /end rant. :)
Yeah, every time I'm in a huge pile of thrashing girls I wind up with sleepless nights and an aching back too.
I just had an image of some guy with long hair and a beard in a leather jacket running away from a news helicopter and flashing the horns.
@WAIF: Shaved head. But that sounds right. I just pictured me doing that and I lol'd.

@seeds: I'm not really gonna murder her. Yet. However, I'll definitely let you know if I decide to. Simply cuz the baby. But if he dies or she takes him, there will be blood. Or charred remains. I'll be sure to inform you to watch the news on that day.
@WAIF: Shaved head. But that sounds right. I just pictured me doing that and I lol'd.

@seeds: I'm not really gonna murder her. Yet. However, I'll definitely let you know if I decide to. Simply cuz the baby. But if he dies or she takes him, there will be blood. Or charred remains. I'll be sure to inform you to watch the news on that day.

aren't you the guy that keeps throwing his cellphone? :err: