The Whining and Bitching Thread

Today was the first day that it was below freezing most of the day. The freshman are starting to bitch incessantly. That's what happens when you tour here in the summer.
Fuck yeah. Subtropical weather ftw.

Pissed at some of the teachers being fucking annoying. In short: We went on a field trip to a museum. We were riding a bus and this guy sitting in the window seat next to me was getting off. I spaced out and didn't realize he was climbing over me (because I didn't move until one of the teachers said "Joe move!" I couldn't move since he was on one leg and it was in between both of mine and he was already stepping over me. If I moved in the narrow space I had it would cause him to fall over. The teachers have bitched about it for a while and told me I made the school look bad and all this shit when it is just a tiny inconvience I caused for someone I will probably never see again.

And my weekend in China was fucked because I told the teachers I was going to pay them back this week for the train ticket but one of the teachers just had to have the money for the train ticket before we got there. So in short I only had enough money to buy a dagger. And that stuff is really cheap in china (it was about 15 US). And because that woman was so impacient I couldn't pay for the fucking hotel either. Which was maybe around 40 US.
I'm just getting used to the cold again.

My bitching for today was in the what are you doing moment. Fucking wine tasting made me stay at work for another hour.
I want to ask a girl on a date, but she's too busy applying to grad schools and stuff to do anything :(

I know bitches like that they only care about their school and future just forget it man it's not worth it trust me and when you eat her out you fucking scrape your fucking face because she doesn't care about your fucking feelings she just cares about her grads! Jesus Christ this gets on my nerves.
I hate how women always bum up to whoever is the biggest asshole they can find.

Also one thing that annoyed me, some huge black guy started on me and his girlfriend laughed at me.

I mean, you try not to be racist but.... I know, I actually know it's because of the way I look that he did it.
Fuck yeah. Subtropical weather ftw.

Pissed at some of the teachers being fucking annoying. In short: We went on a field trip to a museum. We were riding a bus and this guy sitting in the window seat next to me was getting off. I spaced out and didn't realize he was climbing over me (because I didn't move until one of the teachers said "Joe move!" I couldn't move since he was on one leg and it was in between both of mine and he was already stepping over me. If I moved in the narrow space I had it would cause him to fall over. The teachers have bitched about it for a while and told me I made the school look bad and all this shit when it is just a tiny inconvience I caused for someone I will probably never see again.

And my weekend in China was fucked because I told the teachers I was going to pay them back this week for the train ticket but one of the teachers just had to have the money for the train ticket before we got there. So in short I only had enough money to buy a dagger. And that stuff is really cheap in china (it was about 15 US). And because that woman was so impacient I couldn't pay for the fucking hotel either. Which was maybe around 40 US.

So you've been screwing up and people have been getting pissed at you for it?
I'm getting annoyed at the weather. It's in between sweater weather and coat weather, and I'd rather be cold than inconvenienced, so I wear a sweater rather than carry around an obnoxiously bulky coat, but I'm still cold. If it would just get a couple degrees colder I'd go all out and be warm.
Also, there's pretty much no chance of decent snowfall, which is just gay. All we get is some fucking ice.