The Whining and Bitching Thread

I tend to drive about 70-80 in the left lane when I'm on the highway, then get in the right lane within a mile of my exit and adjust to the flow of traffic on the right. Unless the weather is bad, then I try not to top 60.

I hate douche bags who pass me on the right. If you're traveling at such a speed that I'm going too slow for you in the left lane, you need to slow the fuck down.
I used to go at least 95 on the highway. I was driving 45 miles back and forth to work every day and my car stereo sucked, so I just wanted to get there. Since I drive so much less now and the stereo in my truck is serviceable, I generally like to relax and take my time.
I plan on driving a tractor-trailor when I get out of the Marines, so I am trying to keep my record squeaky-clean, I regularly drive 5 over in the city and like 7-8 over on the hwy. Never been pulled going that little over.
And yes, slow drivers are a hazard when all the traffic is going the same speed. Worst place for that is inner city freeways where the speed limits are like 55 but everyones is going 70-80 and you get that old guy/woman (yeah I generalize) going 50 cause they are scared as shit.
I think the fastest I've gone in a car is 90. I don't like to take any car I'm driving above that. Now that I'm driving a BMW, though, I probably should take it above 100 once to see how it feels.
I've taken my Expedition at 100 a few times on 95 South. Good stuff, if there's absolutely noone around of course. Haven't geared it up any past that. And it's an '04 so it's not just a modified pickup.

People pass you all the time, especially in a big car, I already go 80 on the highway when the speed limit is 70 but the little souped up Saturns and Corvettes think that it's just too darn slow anyway and don't understand how fast it really is due to the size of the thing, and they pass dangerously, no turn signal, swerving, in every lane. I say every lane just to deflect the 'left lane driver' thing that some resort to when a person complains about always getting passed. I can't speak for the whole country, but most of 95 I've been on they do it no matter where you are.
I'm whining and bitching because there aren't enough of you dolts online to keep me entertained on the night before I go back to school. Damn you.
I'm whining and bitching because I have been at work every night this week, haven't had time to do my homework, I have a paper and a test due on monday and a giant presentation on tuesday but I work every night before that again and i dont have time for this and i can't pay rent and my grandpa had a heart attack this morning and i'm really fucking nervous for him and freaked out about that and i haven't slept and I'm so stressed out that I'm going nuts and now I have to go back to work again.

I'm here for you, Zeph.

I'm bitching because I'm in a group with some overachievers who insist on meeting for our project every fucking day. Basically, it's unnecessary. And they always want to do it early but don't tell me when we're meeting till late. So I have to check my email at midnight. Which is something I never do. Fuck this.