The Whining and Bitching Thread

So I have three weeks of school with no days off before a 12 day winter vacation. Amusingly enough, I'm complaining.
Of course, what sucks is that in that time I have to get my shit together on college apps, start my senior paper, and then I have a fuckton of other projects. This is gonna fucking suck.
Although really 4 of those projects will be done by next monday and it'll suck less.
OK look mr flames. This is probably the best time you learn the power of positive thinking. You could first begin by changing words like "suck" and "gonna fucking" and put something positive in there. Now do that again, but this time to you're thinking.
ah fuck it whats the use? fuck those term papers, just get an f in the class, fuck it. Who cares anyways? It's not like it matters, we're all gonna die anyways. I should just smoke 3 cigarettes at the same times, what does it matter. If I get lunger cancer it would be a relief. I don't even like eating, whats the point? I'm just getting get hungry again. I should just shoot myself so I can never feel hungry again.....*sigh*....
:lol: OMG I just friggin realized you're in High school. WTF?? Is it possible one of those porjects involves drawing a house? COME ON!! IT'S FRIGGIN HIGH SCHOOL. Sometimes I think you go to fucking baylor or something with all those projects. Man if you can't handle High school then College is literaly going to skull fuck you. Are you ready for the throbing?
This is the part where I remember that you probably slacked your way through a bunch of substandard classes at a shitty high school in some bumfuck town somewhere and most of your time was spent experimenting with a wide variety of mind altering substances and you probably have no idea what the combination of an intensive curriculum (a combination of honors and AP, or college-level, courses) at a high school noted for being tough and college apps is like when concentrated into a three-week period, which is what's happening now.
For my debate for english class, I'm doing debates. So naturally, I picked a topic I enjoy, for my group to do; the validity of extreme metal as a valid musical artform.

I'm trying to compile a list of arguments and generalizations about metal music to start off, so I can smash them down. Only thing is, I only have about 4; I'm gonna need more than that. And I'm not in a state where I can think of more. :V

List your 4. We'll help you.
These are the ones I have thus far; I'm just compiling them into a list, so it's easier to refute them.

1) The "It's just noise / It's devoid of melody" argument

2) The "The vocalist is just screaming... screaming takes no talent" argument

3) The generalization that the lyrics only talk about and promote things like murder, gore, satanism, etc.

4) The argument that "it takes no skill to play an instrument in extreme metal"

5) The "Why does the music have to sound so dark? Why can't it sound happy?" argument
The fans are all burnouts and drifting slackers.
I didn't really wish to talk about the fans; just discussing musical qualities alone, really. Basically, just discussing the genre's relevance as a valid artform.

Btw you realize these are all straw men, yeah?
Oddly enough, I've actually heard all of these at one point or another at my school.

That's where I got the idea to do this debate topic; I'm not distorting any of the arguments, just refuting what other people have said.