The Whining and Bitching Thread

Are you talking about University of Washington? I go there! It's pretty fucking hard to get into these days but it's a really great school. Is it in your top choices?

I'm split between it and Toronto. I'll decide after visiting both. I'm assuming I'll get in (seeing as I have grades and SAT scores). My mom says the campus is beautiful. My first choice would be NYU but I'd need a scholarship. I'm only applying to a couple of schools because tbh I cba to apply to a fuckton of schools when there's only a few I'd really want to go to. I'm generally working on the assumption that if I go to a good school with a good reputation in a good location then it doesn't really matter which, I'll learn and have a good time.
Isn't Washington like 50 grand a year? Or is that some place else?

And fuck that commonapp bullshit. I prefer 5 minute apps
That would be NYU.
Washington would be 35-40k including room and board. Dunno how expensive it is to live in Seattle but I can be surprisingly stingy and then spend all the money I save on metal.
I went scuba diving off a boat in turkey once. I was pretty bad at it. I just followed this russian girl about thinking it might turn into a james bond movie.

I was in a TDA (DotA league) with my clan, then my mom comes in and tells me that she needs to send pictures of the woodstove to the woodstove person, who is installing it. So then I told her how my someone in my clan would be banned and wouldn't be able to play TDA's anymore. And I told her that I will do it later. She then gets impatient and comes back up, like 5 minutes after. Then I said fine, and I alt tabbed making my computer lag real bad. Then the next fucking thing is that I blue screened. So now, I'm shitlisted and so is my clan mate because he vouched me in. So I bet they're pissed. Fuck, I hope I'll be able to stay in this clan. I really like them.

tl;dr version internet/nerd rage and drama.

I was in a TDA (DotA league) with my clan, then my mom comes in and tells me that she needs to send pictures of the woodstove to the woodstove person, who is installing it. So then I told her how my someone in my clan would be banned and wouldn't be able to play TDA's anymore. And I told her that I will do it later. She then gets impatient and comes back up, like 5 minutes after. Then I said fine, and I alt tabbed making my computer lag real bad. Then the next fucking thing is that I blue screened. So now, I'm shitlisted and so is my clan mate because he vouched me in. So I bet they're pissed. Fuck, I hope I'll be able to stay in this clan. I really like them.

tl;dr version internet/nerd rage and drama.

Pretty sure this is totally pathetic but also it doesn't make sense why someone else gets banned when you quit out.
I went scuba diving off a boat in turkey once. I was pretty bad at it. I just followed this russian girl about thinking it might turn into a james bond movie.

That's pretty sweet. Was it scary? I've never been, haha, and here I am, wanting to become a scuba dive instructor or something, and I almost drowned at the age of three... Good plan, Ashleigh! /facepalm.
I'm having a general "feel like fucking shit" day and I just had a huge argument with some smarmy little fuck on the phone about by bill. Good times. :zombie:
Pretty sure this is totally pathetic but also it doesn't make sense why someone else gets banned when you quit out.
I was vouched in because I don't have an icon, and was unsafelisted. He was banned because he vouched me in. Kinda silly still though.

My bitching for today is that the UM server is being fucking slow.
That's pretty sweet. Was it scary? I've never been, haha, and here I am, wanting to become a scuba dive instructor or something, and I almost drowned at the age of three... Good plan, Ashleigh! /facepalm.

It was okay but you have to keep calm even if something goes wrong. If you are deep enough down you get the bends if you go up quickly (or so I read). It's extremely annoying when the goggles/mask leaks and you get water inside. They do that. Also don't forget how heavy the load your carrying is when you start climbing back up the ladder or you might fail. lol.

But really it is fairly easy just kind of annoying to be quite honest.
I'm split between it and Toronto. I'll decide after visiting both. I'm assuming I'll get in (seeing as I have grades and SAT scores). My mom says the campus is beautiful. My first choice would be NYU but I'd need a scholarship. I'm only applying to a couple of schools because tbh I cba to apply to a fuckton of schools when there's only a few I'd really want to go to. I'm generally working on the assumption that if I go to a good school with a good reputation in a good location then it doesn't really matter which, I'll learn and have a good time.

Seattle is great, I love living here. The nature is beautiful and accessible and everything in the city is really convenient. It's also not terribly expensive to live here, maybe a little bit more than if you were going to school in bumfuck nowhere, but I don't think the cost of living here is particularly high too. NYU was my first choice too and I got in but didn't get a scholarship and it's ridiculously expensive :( tbh I'm glad I'm here at UW instead because the city is amazing, the professors are (usually, as far as I know) brilliant, plus there's a relatively active metal scene here (Also the UW metal club is awesome tbh). Too bad you're not a resident here because we only pay like 6,500 a year :)
If you have any questions about it just PM me, I'd be happy to answer them. :cool:
...and so you're in the whining and bitching thread because you've realized this is not possible?

@Nuncheon: I will. Sounds good, especially about the local scene.