The Whining and Bitching Thread

Romanians are among the poorest people in Europe XD They are very active at sex trafficking though... Maybe she wanted to kidnap him and sell him as a slave to work as a whore on a train station?

I'm just a bean... trying to get some sleep.

As much as I could see, everyone just posts random stuff here XD

Ok, I don't like online arguing over stupid things. Discussions are one thing, but arguing and insulting something completely different. And I don't like making "online" enemies either, so I tend not to insult people directly. So if you find something I said stupid for any reason, just point it out...

Nice posts bro, I like your opinions.
Fucking hot water is fucking annoying me! We have our hot water on a timer, and it's never on when I go to take a shower. We can't seem to get it so it's not on a timer, but it still doesn't want to work. So now I have to heat up water in a pot on the woodstove and take a shower using my moms solar shower thing. FUCK
One word, genetics... but I'm not so lucky. I WILL resemble Patrick star by the end of next year.

& I'm moving to Sydney, Paramatta. Can't get any nearer to the city since I can't afford it.
I tried to play Queensrÿche - Road to Madness on the jukebox at this pool hall tonight and right before the vocals started the barkeep paused it to broadcast the football game instead and never unpaused it. :mad:
I've got pale skin, blond hair and blue eyes and I like women with the same. I like a lot of women who look very different from that as well though.
It would be pretty cool if there were girls of any color who actually were innocent tbh.

Cannot stand that major tanned look however. Black - do like. Asian - do like. Indian - do like. Pacific islander - do like. Native American - do like. Future skin cancer, present skin and hair being the same color? Do not want.
I've got pale skin, blond hair and blue eyes and I like women with the same. I like a lot of women who look very different from that as well though.

I've got blue skin, green hair, and hot pink eyes and I like Zartf women with the same. I like a lot of Zartf women who look very different from that as well though.
Hmmm having att leas dark hair means just having a bit of stubble makes it clear you are at least a certain age. My blond stublle is hardly visible even though I have shaved it all off and started again multiple times so this is my actual beard hair now. In decent light you can see it though. As for my hair on my head, ergh it's too curly to deal with, I get sick of it and just keep it really short now.
Hmmm having att leas dark hair means just having a bit of stubble makes it clear you are at least a certain age. My blond stublle is hardly visible even though I have shaved it all off and started again multiple times so this is my actual beard hair now. In decent light you can see it though. As for my hair on my head, ergh it's too curly to deal with, I get sick of it and just keep it really short now.

My hair was getting curly in the beginning and it was driving me crazy, but as it grew longer it got straight. But now I kind of miss it when it was wavey XD BUt I guess I'll have to cut it off soon, it's getting ruined.
As for beard, it's fucking annoying that it gets curly every time I wash it or when it's cold outside, so it just looks like a fucking bush (and it's about 10cm/4 inches long atm). So I use a hairdryer to straighten it XD
Yeah... and where I live, almost every good-looking metal girl is a bitchy slut.

There's that and then I would also like to expand on this social tendancy where girls who are what is commonly accepted as "beautiful", and girls who are not (usually because of a weight issue) have totally opposing personalities 99.9% of the time. The former group, to put it simply, tends to not give a shit about anything, and will abuse themselves much more eagerly, as well as insult, degrade, and generally look down on anyone not in their 'class' be it man or woman. I tend to believe it's because they've mostly recieved unwavering worship by society because of how they look since they hit puberty, and they turn out to be spoiled trollops who know nothing of humility or suffering, even when it's one of their many boyfriends causing them to suffer - which is usually the case, and of course that goes unnoticed as well.
my hair is really wavy naturally, but 99% of the time I straighten it.

My whine for today is that I am sick and tired of the other Property Management secretary not pulling her weight around here. She calls in sick often, she leaves work early every day and while my workload is drowning me, she's doing crosswords online. (I'm only on UM while I'm having my morning tea).
Hmm the skinny girls I know are bitchy but less bitchy than the fat meffs. The only men the fat meffs can talk to are camp gay men or super macho ruffians who would kick them in if they said anything.

Some beautiful women are nice. The temptation for them is to not bother being though, but some people just are, it's not just a necessary act.