The Whining and Bitching Thread

Yes, sometimes you do find the girls who have... and this is going to sound let me expand on it after I say it.. the 'fat girl attitude'. It's the loud ones who are always arm in arm with some thug looking guy in the mall. Now then: I don't like using the word 'fat' at all and in most cases where girls are accused of it it's outrageous, IMO. Women should look like women and not little boys. I am in full support of all the size 12-14s out there and see the skinny ones as the freaks. I just can't think of another term for that specific attitude, and I've heard it a couple times before.

@Orion Crystal Ice: I completely agree... So if you want to have a hot girlfriend, basically you have to buy her with presents and stuff, or else she'll find someone who is willing to invest money in her.

Well, not exactly... you simply have to be not an introvert, you have to be not anything out of any social 'norm' either in looks, tastes, or actions, anything like that which would make her seem out of her 'class' somehow or challenger her ideals...other than that, you can treat her how you want and she'll think it's normal even if it's horrific because she eats up pop culture brainwashing like pop rocks.
Well, not exactly... you simply have to be not an introvert, you have to be not anything out of any social 'norm' either in looks, tastes, or actions, anything like that which would make her seem out of her 'class' somehow or challenger her ideals...other than that, you can treat her how you want and she'll think it's normal even if it's horrific because she eats up pop culture brainwashing like pop rocks.

It depends on several different conditions. For example, we're having completely screwed values system here. When a girl becomes conscious of her beauty and the power it brings, most of them turn bitchy and end up as cool, brainless sluts and if you want to have one of them, you also have to be a cool, tough guy AND usually to be financially well situated.
Of course, there are exceptions, but they are in minority.
I have blue eyes which change and brown hair/(dirty blonde) and was a complete toe-head up until around 12,13 and my facial hair is reddish/orange. I like girls with dark hair and dark eyes. I especially like peurto rican and mexican girls.
When a girl becomes conscious of her beauty and the power it brings, most of them turn bitchy and end up as cool, brainless sluts

Also, the equally brainless girls who worship the ground that their leaders walk on & are so fucking boring, it's depressing. Seriously, if those girls were the opposite sex or lesbians, it would be sexual harassment.
what really sucks is that I cannot download some porn-videos from my computer. Again there could some fuckin Virus attack and man the great advantage is that you can almost every kind of porn content download free but there are still pay-sites you have to be a member and pay for. :mad:
So somebody on campus went down to Worcester to interview In Flames and they published the interview in the UMaine newspaper. Once again, dismissing nearly the entire metal scene.
what really sucks is that I cannot download some porn-videos from my computer. Again there could some fuckin Virus attack and man the great advantage is that you can almost every kind of porn content download free but there are still pay-sites you have to be a member and pay for. :mad:

word to the wise my friend
It depends on several different conditions. For example, we're having completely screwed values system here. When a girl becomes conscious of her beauty and the power it brings, most of them turn bitchy and end up as cool, brainless sluts and if you want to have one of them, you also have to be a cool, tough guy AND usually to be financially well situated.
Of course, there are exceptions, but they are in minority.

Not really all you have to do is the opposite of what most guys do when they see her, which is usually something along the lines of... o_O

In fact the best strategy with these beauties is to simply show her that her beauty means nothing to you (which it still can, but she doesn't have to know) and prove to her you're not so easily falttered by every move she makes. A simple negative compliment will do the trick. Nothing to strong, but simple. Then you'll sew the seeds of doubt in her and she'll be walking around thinking; "why doesn't he think I'm beautiful? Everyone else does? is there something wrong with me that he sees?"

By that you'll break the bitch shield that some 9's 10's carry with them and not to mention she'll be thinking about you when you're not even around which is a BIG plus.

edit - can we also plz get the thought of money as a means of attracting/seducing women? Please, it's pathetic on an epic scale.
So I was going to the library this morning to work on my Latin paper, but it doesn't open until 10 AM. On fucking finals weekend. Idiots.
I don't know why the head dean has to be such a dick. I spent the weekend at my roommates house and before I went he asked me a series of questions determined to not let me go. He knew the only reason I spent the weekend at his house was so I could jam with my friends and go to a party (I barely talked to that guy the whole fucking weekend and he got on my nerves at times too). But he still asked "didn't you say your roommate was annoying?" Yes I ultimately would not want to share a room with that guy but half of the time I don't have a problem with him. The dean knows I want my own room next semester but says he will keep in mind what I said when deciding room arrangements. Which pretty much means I'll be with him next semester. I am not sharing my fucking room with this guy. I'm pretty sure that one of those local guys stole the 42 US I'm missing one of the countless times they were chilling with him in our room.
i have a fucking job interview on wednesday and i dont know jack shit about the company or the position.

gonna do some research tomorrow and practice my bullshit, hopefully that will be enough to fool them.

do you guys have any tips on job interviews?