The Whining and Bitching Thread

i have a fucking job interview on wednesday and i dont know jack shit about the company or the position.

gonna do some research tomorrow and practice my bullshit, hopefully that will be enough to fool them.

do you guys have any tips on job interviews?

Definitely research the company before going into the interview. Know some recent news about them (if you can find it) and try to discuss it during the interview. Don't ask about salary during the interview. Wear a suit if you have one. Look the interviewer in the eyes.

Common sense shit really. Which company is it if I may ask?
thanks man... yeah, common sense stuff, but i always mess these things up, lol. those are good tips i'll purposely remember to do.

never know who lurks around these boards... i'll post about it if i get hired, lol. >.<
Actually i'm in one of those kinds of corporations that would make a perfect antagonist in a Disney movie. Well, not Zorin-evil but we're pretty hated by many.
Okay. I doubt anyone in a corporation is lurking around a message board about metal, but they do exist
or they could be tracking all my internet activity! :0

Actually i'm in one of those kinds of corporations that would make a perfect antagonist in a Disney movie. Well, not Zorin-evil but we're pretty hated by many.
you child pornographers!

I actually have to go to school today, when outlying school districts don't. RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
I've got one and a half days of school left. I hope I get huge amounts of chocolate this christmas like I did when I was little. Last year some people thought I must have 'grown out of it' WTF! I get my dad a couple of trays of whichever is most expensive with his present every year and he's 52!.
I've got a half day left. I have a half day every friday. I have a math test tomorrow. Which I know I'm gonna fucking fail.
No nothing for me last night. I couldn't go out to drink and my friend couldn't get me a j.