The Whining and Bitching Thread

haha, wood... in the woods. ;)

Edit: my whining and bitching for today- I took my friend snowboarding today, and she fell over on the top of a hill, I was right behind her and clipped her board and I pretty much did a flip over top of her. :( I'm so soreeee!
Fuck. Its 2:05 AM and I'm not tired. Fuck jetlag. I'll probably be passing out at 5 PM.
Lol. I knew that all along. But it would make no sense because that chick doesn't look underage.

edit: More like no sevag
haha, wood... in the woods. ;)

Edit: my whining and bitching for today- I took my friend snowboarding today, and she fell over on the top of a hill, I was right behind her and clipped her board and I pretty much did a flip over top of her. :( I'm so soreeee!

damn that sucks, but i can think of two things that suck more... i've never been snow boarding before and my painkillers aren't working and my back is hurting like a mother fucker

oh and welcome, it's always nice to see new posters