The Whining and Bitching Thread

I've been snowboarding for eight- I'm reg.
I think I hyper-extended something in my shoulder/ neck yesterday. :( Not looking forward to giving hugs and whatnot for christmas eve with my family.
I'm surprised no one has really complained about gifts to buy for christmas.
Any other sports, you guys?
Heres some whining and bitching for today. Ok, so today I went to school, went to the school holiday assembly, went to the middle school (where my mom works), so we could go up to Bangor. So then we went up. Everything was fine , and so we went to Bullmoose music. Which then I bought my brother a couple cds for Christmas and my mother a Seinfeld dvd season. So then we went to Bestbuy which I bought my dad a few Van Morrison cds. Oh, and Bangor is a fucking madhouse considering it's where the only mall and other shit like Bestbuy. So anyways, we decided to go to Borders, which we went in. I bought my sister a book, so then we go back out to the car. Then the next thing we notice a line of fucking cars are right behind us. So then we waited a shit load of time (don't remember). Until someone let us through. So then we waited in the traffic line, every 5-15 minutes we would move a car up. So then we go up a bit more, and notice that the fucking Staples traffic is also going through the same way that we are going in, they both become one. So then we are fucking waiting some more, slowly moving. So we finally get out. It's been about 1 and a half hour to 2 hours. So we decide to go to Olive Garden (which I've never been to. Also, I forgot to mention that I have a cold and feel like shit. So then we go to Olive Garden, we eat, and all of that goes well. So then we decide to head back to Bullmoose music so I can point out some cds I want. So then we head back to the highway, so we can head home, because now we are already tired. But guess what? The fucking highway is closed to go South 95. We don't really know Bangor real well. So we decide to go down the other road hoping that we will get to the highway. The next thing we notice is that we are in Brewer. But eventually we get to where we want to go and head home, which we did. Even though it took a shitload of time to get back.
Burlington Vermont?

Just wondering because one of my aunts lives there and is coming down to visit tomorrow.

I really doubt that the worst traffic is found in Maine...
Funny thing is that the drivers I deal with down here in Boston are the same tourists that swarm the Maine coast during the summer.

edit: Burlington, Mass. I'm in Arlington at the condo over Xmas break.
The traffic in Guanzhou was shit when I was there but I don't think that's the worst traffic in China.
wtf. no. nonononono. I don't speak Spanish. I live in America, if you don't want to speak American you can go back to your cave in Afghanistan with your liberal terrorist buddies.

'no pedo' is a variation of 'no homo', which is bookended on different words and actions that, in fact, chance on the appearance of homo. Here we see an unashamed display of possible pedo, where 'no pedo' is needed.
Fuck jetlag. I went to bed at 1 (I go to bed 2 hours earlier each day) and I woke up at 4 and can't go back to sleep.