The Whining and Bitching Thread

No nothing for me last night. I couldn't go out to drink and my friend couldn't get me a j.

drug rule #1: people almost never come through when they say they're going to do something for you. you either have to harass the living fuck out of them about it or have a backup plan.
My stomach fuckin hurts, and for one of the first times in my life i can honestly say i was in imminent danger of shitting my pants.
thankfully the bathroom was just a quick dash up the stairs...
I fucking love my job, but at the same time I fucking hate it. I wish I could just do the whole going to work, go home and forget your job shit. I also wish I didn't have such a fucking serious job all the fucking time.

Should have been a plumber.
That is exactly what I'm saying. My job is so fucking grave and pressured, that I wish I didn't give as much of a fuck as I do.

I'm sure I'd be a nicer person if I gave it up.

Alas, I do not have a non-self-paying mortgage.