The Whining and Bitching Thread

-Ugh, so much wind on Mt. Baker today! I've been off of the mountain for three hours, and my face is still as red as a tomato.
-Went running down an icy hill yesterday trying to "skate" down it and landed on my rear. *thumbs up* it looked hilarious at least.
On the better side of things, I will be purchasing a bass sometime soon. :) soooo stoked!
Frustrated, still, after months, never going to know the full truth of why she did what she did, what is so wrong with me if anything, and that she might never come back and I'll be pissed off and dissatisfied forever because just about 99.9% of all women I come across are incompatible tbh and besides that I don't feel like subscribing to the meat market mentality anyway and would rather just fix whatever the hell is wrong, except she can't tell for sure..either that or just won't, and is lying.....once again.

Fuck. I was going to use my gift card to download a Glorior Belli album from iTunes but it's only at the UK store and it won't sell it to me.
Believe it or not, folks... in real life I'm not the lovable, confident, charming individual that you have all come to know and love on here. Amazingly, I'm not quite as smooth with the ladies as I may seem, either. I'm sorry that you had to learn these things about your mentor, but it's true.