The Whining and Bitching Thread

Well to be fair, the brake pads on the rear wheels on my Ram 1500 were 2500 brakes, but I told them what trim/model 1500 I had, the dude should have realized right away bigger 1500=2500 brakes. The dude went through every other type of 1500 brake pads they had before trying the 2500, all the while not making any sense.

We don't have Advance here :( . Checkers, Auto Zone, and Pep Boys.
Greys-esque woman related bitching go!

I'm fucking pissed. The girl I moved to Athens for is acting like a cunt. I saw her for 3 fucking hours the day I moved here and she asked me to leave before her parents got back which is bullshit since she promised to spend as much time as she could with me... we can't hang out in her room while her parents are there? What the fuck? I haven't seen her since, either. She won't answer my phone calls, she's never on AIM... moving here was a fucking mistake. Oh well, at least I'm back in school and my room/suitemates don't completly suck. She said she was going to sneak out and walk up to the school to see me today and I've been trying to call her all day and she won't fucking answer. I'm this close to being done with this bitch. I can't give up entirely yet because I'm a fucking moron but I'm not taking much more of this bullshit. The thing that gets me is that she moved to Austin for a girl who pulled this exact same shit on her, hung out with her for a little while then dropped off the map. At least I'm not dependent on her for a roof over my head... but other than that, she's been here, recently too, and she swore up and down that she wasn't going to do that to me. Fucking lying evil bitch.
that sucks :/

been there done that (when i was 19, im 24 now). turned out ok...relatively, lol
It sucks fucking balls. I liked this place a lot. At least I might be going to Taiwan and not back to the states.
So I finally talked this girl I like (we're really good friends though,typical) and got a nice rejection. However, the massive wave of relief I felt after was incredable, just to unload my feelings. I actually am not so sure why I liked her so much now... Wierd!

Of course I'd have preferred if she'd said she liked me back...

I'm bitching about all my mates who were very sure she liked me though, wtf do they know!? Apparently this happens to her a lot since she gets on with guys so well, that outside observers reckon she likes them.

Littile bit drunk too, tomorrow is a new day though.
Apparently this happens to her a lot since she gets on with guys so well, that outside observers reckon she likes them.

I kind of have a similar problem as well. Like, I typically make friends with people who've got similar opposed to just anyone. So, a lot of my female friends have (or have had) a thing for me. I'm fine being single and I'm not looking (people can't seem to understand this), so I feel kinda bad sometimes when I know someone has a crush on me. I wouldn't say I've actually rejected anyone though.
omg! the Blues have had so many injuries this year. And their top defensemen of this year is out with a broken foot now.
WTF else is going to happen to this team???!!!?

Coupled with the fact that they continually have great possessions but can't score, I say it's going to get much worse.
Well next year should be alot better.
Erik Johnson and Alex Pietrangelo will be on the point. Along with Roman Polak, Barret Jackman, Jay Mckee, Carlo Colaiacovo, and Eric Brewer (unfortunately)

and at the forward position they will have a really solid core of young players...
David Perron
TJ Oshie
Patrik Berglund
Brad Boyes
David Backes
B.J. Crombeen
and Andy Mcdonald, Keith Tkachuk, Paul Kariya,
Me and my roommate actually get along quite well now. Assuming I get into the school in Taiwan I might be able to spend a month at his house since the school in Taiwan has a month long break for chinese new year. My parents on the other hand will have to let me go. I really don't wanna go back to the fucking states. I hate my old town and all I will do there is sit in my room and watch porn and download music.
Well next year should be alot better.
Erik Johnson and Alex Pietrangelo will be on the point. Along with Roman Polak, Barret Jackman, Jay Mckee, Carlo Colaiacovo, and Eric Brewer (unfortunately)

and at the forward position they will have a really solid core of young players...
David Perron
TJ Oshie
Patrik Berglund
Brad Boyes
David Backes
B.J. Crombeen
and Andy Mcdonald, Keith Tkachuk, Paul Kariya,

I still can't believe we fucking handed you guys Crombeen.
Non-MOS miltary training sucks: 9/10 it amounts to bullshit along the lines of the participants standing around all day saying "this is bullshit" until we are allowed to leave, but not before a higher-up comes and gives us a speech telling us "this was good training, don't be telling people this was bullshit because you served your country today". So the next time you see some military coverage on TV and some Captain or Major is interviewed and says some bullshit about "These <insert military branch nickname> received the best training available", unless it was MOS specific, what he means is "These servicemen spent all day standing around bullshitting in full 'battle-dress' for many days prior to deploying".
Oh yeah, and btw, all Generals know anymore is "Are we winning or losing?"